He is groggy and confused, and sits up in bed, rubbing his head. He tells Harry and Hermione as they walk back into the castle and towards the Great Hall that he is going to get Krum's autograph if he can, and asks Harry if he has a quill with him. In der ersten Version einer von Albus Potter und Scorpius Malfoy mittels des aus Hermines Büro im Zaubereiministerium entwendeten Zeitumkehrers unbeabsichtigt veränderten Gegenwar, haben er und Hermine nie geheiratet, da sie nie mehr als Schulfreunde waren. character from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. Ron almost overbalances as he tries to force Scabbers back into his front pocket, but the rat is fighting too hard and Ron returns to sitting on the bed. Madam Pomfrey tells Harry and Hermione that he will be alright. Ron is thrilled when Gryffindor win the Quidditch match against Ravenclaw, even more so when Malfoy's attempt to spook Harry fails, and celebrates the Quidditch victory in the common room with the rest of the Gryffindors. Lucius Malfoy. When he puts his ear to the door, he hears Fang inside the hut. Ron attempts to persuade Hermione to eat after she finds out that house-elves prepared the start-of-term feast, deliberately wafting the smell of food at her, but stops after she glares at him. Ron is defensive when Scabbers's missing toe is mentioned, sure that he probably had a fight with another rat at some point, and is convinced that Scabbers unusually old age is due to the Weasleys taking good care of him. Ron forces Lockhart to descend the large pipe into the Chamber of Secrets first. When Harry, shocked by what he has heard, drops his tankard on the floor, Ron has to kick him to keep quiet. Ron follows Harry, along with Hermione, when he hears the disembodied voice and discovers Mrs Norris. Ron stops suddenly, trying to keep Scabbers in his pocket, confused about why Scabbers is acting so strangely. Ron, Harry and Hermione are forced to leave Hagrid's hut to avoid being found by the approaching Committee and Dumbledore. Ron writes to Harry to tell him that Arthur managed to get tickets to the Quidditch World Cup final. In their first Divination class, Harry's bizarre predictions for Ron lead him to suggest that Harry needs his Inner Eye testing. Ron is buying some Rat Tonic for Scabbers when Crookshanks, a huge ginger cat, leaps onto his head, and then towards Scabbers. Ron wakes the dormitory up, screaming in terror. maaliskuuta 1980) on kuvitteellinen henkilö kirjailija J. K. Rowlingin Harry Potter-kirjasarjassa.Ron esiintyy ensimmäisen kerran kirjasarjan ensimmäisessä osassa Harry Potter ja viisasten kivi päähenkilö Harry Potterin parhaana ystävänä ja on yksi kirjojen tärkeimmistä henkilöhahmoista. As Hagrid sobers up, however, he becomes angry that Ron and Hermione have let Harry visit him after dark, and escorts them back up to the castle at once. He may have brought the much-needed comic relief, but he also brought so much more. An enormous, black dog attacks the trio as they try to cover themselves back up with the Invisibility Cloak. Later, Ron starts to tell Hermione and Harry about the wizarding village of Hogsmeade, focusing mainly on Honeydukes, the sweetshop. Harry Potter Wiki ist eine Fandom-Literatur-Community. Ron is irritated by his new owl, Pigwidgeon, and refuses to call the owl by its full name, preferring to call it "Pig". Ron is upset with Professor McGonagall when she refuses to let Harry go on the trip to Hogsmeade; he and Hermione promise to bring Harry lots of sweets from Honeydukes. The dog's jaws fasten around Ron's arm and he is dragged by the dog towards the base of the Whomping Willow. He also has been keeping an eye on Lockhart (who lost his memory when the spell backfired). As Harry, Ron and Hermione make their way back to the castle, Ron struggles to hold on to Scabbers. In der zweiten, noch verheerenderen Version einer von Albus Potter und Scorpius Malfoy mittels des Zeitumkehrers veränderten Gegenwart, in der Lord Voldemort gewonnen hat, nachdem Cedric Diggory zum Todesser wurde, und Neville umbrachte, sind er und Hermine ebenfalls nicht verheiratet, und als Widerstandskämpfer gegen Voldemorts Regime untergetaucht. Ron complains that the Sorting Ceremony takes too long, rubbing his stomach in hunger when it is only half-way through. After Christmas dinner, Ron and Harry trick Crabbe and Goyle into eating cakes laced with a Sleeping Draught. When the group decide to return to the castle, Ron's leg is bandaged to a splint by Lupin, which makes the pain easier to bear. He is bitterly disappointed when the Durmstrang students sit at the Slytherin table instead. He collapses into the chair next to Harry in relief, after being sorted into Gryffindor. Wieder zurück in der dunklen Parallelwelt werden Hermine und Ron von Voldemorts Schergen ergriffen, sie küssen sich und gestehen sich ihre Liebe, ehe sie beide den Kuss eines Dementors empfangen (HP X/9). He and Hermione argue once again about Crookshanks, after the cat tries to attack Scabbers, and he stays cross with her for a few days. Ron, Lupin and Pettigrew start to walk towards the school, but come to an abrupt stop as the moon appears from behind the clouds. He eagerly offers to take the Firebolt up to the dormitory for Harry, needing to give Scabbers his Rat Tonic. He is uncomfortable when Hagrid implies that they don't value their friendship with her enough, but remains resolute that he won't speak to Hermione until she gets rid of Crookshanks. He and Hermione look with interest when Harry thinks he sees Dobby sitting in the Box, as neither of them has met the elf before. He looks very white and stares at Harry as though he is a ghost. Kõige vanem Weasley'de perekonnast on Bill.Talle järgneb Charlie, siis Percy ja kaksikud Fred ja George, siis Ron ning tema õde ja noorim laps Ginny. When Harry arrives and is told the news, Ron reminds him that they won't be allowed to see Hagrid, as it is evening. The effort of standing up drains Ron, and he sways slightly as he tells Black that in order to kill Harry, he will have to get through Ron and Hermione first. Ron follows the group up the stairs to the Top Box in the stadium, where their seats are. He is adamant that he was not dreaming, and tells Professor McGonagall to ask Sir Cadogan - the new portrait over the entrance to the Gryffindor common room - if anyone entered Gryffindor Tower. He is pale as he collapses onto the four-poster bed in the room after the fight, clutching his broken leg with both hands. Euch entstehen dadurch keine zusätzlichen Kosten. He tells Harry that the girl must be a Veela, insistent that she is not a normal girl. When Harry asks about his broom, Ron and Hermione are reluctant to tell him that it blew away when he fell, and ended up hitting the Whomping Willow. When Harry contradicts Ron, stating that the Lupin was ill, not away, Ron responds that Lupin could not have been ill as he was in the hospital wing carrying out his detention and didn't see Lupin there. Ron and Harry wonder how Hermione is managing to juggle all of her classes. Die beiden kommen in denselben Schlafsaal im Haus Gryffindor. ?- ich mich aber nicht erinnern kann. März 1980) ist ein reinblütiger Zauberer und der sechste Sohn von Molly und Arthur Weasley. Ron schämt sich zwar seiner Armut, ist aber trotzdem sehr mit seinem Zuhause verbunden. They decide to visit Hagrid in the evening, where they try to reassure him. Ron is slightly put out that Hagrid doesn't want to hear about his encounter with Black, and becomes angry when Hagrid wants to discuss Hermione instead. By the time Harry returns with Ginny, Ron has made an opening large enough for them to squeeze through. The four of them make their way downstairs to help Mrs Weasley with dinner, finding her in a bad mood. Ron trips over a tree-root as they enter the woods, and falls to the ground. He is a red-haired child with freckles. Ron is furious when Professor Karkaroff only gives Harry four points out of ten, and shouts at the judge. Ron stares at Harry in disbelief after his name is read out by Professor Dumbledore. Ron denies that he, Harry or Hermione conjured the Dark Mark, indignantly asking his father why they were trying to attack them. He, Hermione and Harry are able to speak to Hagrid about Buckbeak during their Care of Magical Creatures exam. answer choices . The body paragraphs are about Ron’s bravery and loyalty in the case of sacrificing himself for his friends and family. Ron has more difficulty conquering the Imperius Curse than Harry during their Defence Against the Dark Arts class. After Harry unknowingly speaks Parseltongue at the Duelling Club, Ron and Hermione pull Harry out of the Great Hall and back to the Gryffindor common room. He is convinced that she is making it up, and is just trying to get them to talk to her again. They sneak down to Hagrid's hut under the Invisibility Cloak and take Fang with them. He goes back to The Burrow immediately after the twins. Harry spots some spiders scuttling in the direction of the Forbidden Forest in Herbology and points them out to Ron. He persuades Harry to sneak into the village again the next weekend. He is surprised when, on the Hogwarts Express, Hermione announces that she has decided to drop Muggle Studies. Tags: Question 7 . Ron is bewildered when they walk into an area that is filled with tents covered in green shamrocks: those of the Irish supporters. Ron and Harry are invited to have tea with Hagrid. Belatrix Lestrange . He is more irritated when, after his mother has left, Pigwidgeon gets an Owl Treat stuck in his beak, and furiously wonders why everything he owns is rubbish. Ron Weasley (Ronald Bilius Weasley) was born on March 1, 1980 to Molly and Arthur Weasley. Ron suggests that Lupin might have bought it, as he likes Harry and was away when Harry's Nimbus was smashed. He is surprised by Harry's reaction to the news that Sirius is flying north, and doesn't understand why Harry is so furious. Ron is described as tall and lanky with a long nose, freckles and flaming red hair. He looks closely at the owl then, to Harry and Hermione's surprise, holds it towards Crookshanks for the cat to sniff. Ron tells Harry about the trip in the letter and also that Percy, his brother, has been made Head Boy. When the Portkey lands near the campsite, Ron is unable to remain on his feet after the impact of landing; he staggers into Harry, and falls over onto the ground. After Buckbeak attacks Draco Malfoy, Ron is worried about how the lesson will reflect on Hagrid. He brusquely tells Harry that he has had an owl, and informs him that they have their detentions with Professor Snape the following night, in the dungeons. Ron returns to The Burrow after the Quidditch World Cup with the rest of his family, Harry and Hermione. He lies sprawled on the ground after catching Scabbers. He and the others are hurried to bed by Mrs Weasley, who is worried about their early start the next morning. At lunch, he is worried when Harry admits that he has seen a black dog recently, and explains that his Uncle Bilius saw a Grim once, and died a day later. After Hagrid's suggestion to follow the spiders, Harry and Ron keep a look out for them in the castle, although Ron does so somewhat reluctantly. Spätestens seit ihrer vierten Klasse machen sie sich wechselseitig Eifersuchtsszenen und streiten dauernd über Nichtigkeiten. After this, Ron is suspicious of the Professor’s achievements. After visiting the mirror, Ron advises Harry not to return; he says there is something funny about it. He, Harry and Hermione make their way down to Hagrid's cabin; they end up having lunch with the game-keeper, although they rather lose their appetites after Hermione finds a talon in her 'beef' casserole. Ron, however, receives a nasty bite from Norbert; his hand turns green and he has to stay in the hospital wing. Ennek oka, hogy A while later Ron instantly recognises the face on the Bulgarian posters as being their Seeker, Krum. He is shaking with anger as he walks into the classroom after being given a detention by Snape. Ron and Harry quickly take the knives and forks out to the garden to help Bill and Charlie, where they find the pair battling with the two enchanted tables. He is the youngest son in his family. Ron is eager to leave the Leaky Cauldron and get on the train, away from Percy Weasley. After the Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson, Ron and Harry discuss Lupin's illness; he becomes irritated when Hermione suggests she knows what is wrong with Lupin, and snaps at her. Ron, Harry and Hermione make their way back to the Gryffindor Tower after the Hallowe'en feast, and find the corridor filled with students unable to get into the common room. The boys play wizard chess and sit around the empty common room eating anything they can toast on the fire. He listens to Malfoy taunting Harry but remains neutral - although he doesn't join in the other students' laughter, he doesn't defend Harry either. Ron enjoys the celebrity status he gains after the incident with Sirius Black. Hermione, Ron and Harry are afraid that Draco's injury might lead to Hagrid being sacked. Whilst the rest of the family are busy talking, Ron quietly asks Harry whether he has heard from Sirius, but gets only a brief reply. He is annoyed when Molly, Bill and Charlie hint that something exciting is happening at Hogwarts this year, but won't reveal anything more.