Would it be all right if I used one of these images for it? If you’re serious about making sauerkraut over the long-term, get yourself some lead-free glass weights. Proceeding to have conversations about visiting each on a page about sauerkraut! Salt does in fact leach toxic chemicals into the oceans, from plastic bags. Success! Fotos mit Geschmack. I am using this recipe today and will post the results. € 2,29. The probiotic in the mother is an added bonus. My sauerkraut was toooo salty. I mean who comes on a sauerkraut page and talks about visiting each other! Kimchi is less acidic but saltier, Apparently Sauerkraut does not originate in Germany, but rather in China about 2,000 years ago. I use 1/2 gallon mason jars and just put a plastic bag filled with 2% brine (in case it leaks) to the top 1/4 of the mason jar. Sauerkraut is a source of a variety of nutrients including dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, folate, iron, potassium, copper and manganese. The L. mesenteroides bacteria of this stage wilt in the heat and refuse to work at temperatures much above 72° F (22° C). Um Sauerkraut selber machen zu können, braucht man nicht viel. My questions are: am I doing something wrong? Why would ANYBODY pay 10X more more for a can/jar of processed preservative crap? I use a food processor to slice mine but you really do not need to worry too much, fermentation will happen. Er wird mit der Zeit pelzig und im Endstadium oft farbig. You have an asterisk beside green cabbage, but I saw nothing explaining it. I fill the 4 oz jars with brine. I just used this recipe as a base recipe and added cucumber dill and a couple cloves of garlic to replicate the farmhouse culture dill pickle kraut that I love!!! Homesteading | Self Sufficient Living | Living off the Land, 302 Comments | Jill Winger |    Last Updated: November 4, 2020, Like when watch the cream you skimmed from yesterday’s milk suddenly turn into golden butter…. I never toss the core. Yay! Don’t worry about morons on the Internet. It can last up to a year in the fridge so why would anyone need to can it. I put some of my last batch (whatever I couldn’t keep from eating “raw”) in with some Italian sausage (beer helps with the cooking AND waiting process) and it is JUST SO DARN GOOD! Oma's Recipe for Sauerkraut made Just like Oma. I hope this works; I love cabbage ?? I miss being able to eat it but, health problems prevent anything with acid now. Is there anything those buckets aren’t good for?! I’ve been making jalapeno garlic kraut for years using purple cabbage. Rezept: Sauerkraut selber machen. It’ll be fresher and have more moisture content. I have some in the larder right now. I found a great way to work the kraut. Like your grandma’s sauerkraut. I’m the one that used a rolling pin to smash it. Also, try to use a great salt…like pink Himalayan sea salt….loaded with minerals. Avoid iodized salt in this recipe, and stick to high quality sea salt instead, Ready to try your hand at other fermented projects? I will try this recipe soon and put my own caraway seeds in them. Cover the exposed cabbage with brine, leaving 1″ of headspace at the top. Will the saltiness decrease if I let it ferment longer? Sarah, it’s painfully obvious that you are about as intelligent as your redneck friend, Kimberly. Keep in mind for a 1/2 gallon of kraut we are only talking about 1 tables spoon so per serving you are not getting much. € 6,54/100g . Hope to see more. Sauerkraut selber machen - so geht's. (If you don’t completely submerse the cabbage in liquid, it’s susceptible to mold and other gunk). Delicious!!!! |   Grab Oma's cookbooks! You best read this quote from an article, written by an extremely reliable and educated source…not a couple of dumb rednecks stroking each other’s egos on a sauerkraut page! My question for the saurkraut – is it okay to add Braggs raw apple cider vinegar to the mix during the process? It contains about 20% potassium chloride as opposed pure rock salt or canning salt which is almost 100% sodium chloride. I have mixed colored cabbage, as well as cabbage and red kale, red onion and many other variations. browning. Oh, and don’t forget the toothbrush. Can’t believe any educated person would believe the bunk you preach. We made about 30 quarts of kraut in the fall. It just takes a bit longer to ferment. caraway seeds, if using. Leider enthält Sauerkraut aus der Dose oder aus der Tüte oftmals kein rohes Sauerkraut. My hands aren’t as strong as they used to, so instead of massaging the kraut, I put it in a heavy duty plastic bag and use the rolling pin to extract the juice. Just because some people disagree with your bad advice about how to properly make sauerkraut, doesn’t make them an “internet abuser”. Yum. And don’t drive your car. I have limited refrigerator space. [solawi-medewege] Re: Sauerkraut selber machen + Apfelbestellung. Is it necessary to be quite so nasty with your comments? I can my sauerkraut for Reuben sandwiches. Worked great. 1 juil. Delicious!!!! Man muss also nicht James Cook sein, der mit 60 Fässern Sauerkraut eine Seemannschaft eine Weltumseglung lang vor Skorbut bewahrte, um die Vorteile der Fermentierung zu verstehen. Gesagt getan! One question-it’s not like Kimchi is it? It is a simple and fool-proof recipe. Taste and smell your kraut after one week. Here is verbatim from the cookbook she wrote: “Pack jars with shredded or chopped cabbage. I made some kraut and had it in the fridge for a while. It hasn’t really gone anywhere…it just absorbs back into the cabbage…which basically is influenced by temperature. I have just started making counter top sourkrout. When it’s time to eat your kraut, if you have a couple brown pieces on top, just remove them or mix them into the jar. This is perfectly normal. Heat processing, however, does not “completely obliterate” all of the vitamins and probiotics. Thin sliced cooking apples or pears, sauteed (With or without onion) is good too and was common in my French/German mother’s kitchen, although I cannot speak as to how traditional this is. I know this is an old comment, but if you’re going to can it there’s no reason to ferment it first, as you’ll kill all the probiotics by heating and pressure canning. Wash the cabbage and remove any wilted outer leaves. Otherwise, if flavor is what you care about most, call them done wherever you want. After mashing the cabbage and salt for 15+ minutes, taste the brine in the bottom of the bowl. I’m seeking a way to make it last for the two years! The cool temp of the fridge makes the brine absorb back into the cabbage. 08.09.2020 - Die ultimative Anleitung zum Fermentieren mit Anti-Schimmel-Checkliste! Probably have since this thread is 2 years old. Harmful bacterias need oxygen to thrive. I like to make extra fine salt for our popcorn. Sauerkraut takes 3 – 4 weeks to “finish”. There’s few things better than naturally fermented sauerkraut! Who would even take the time to write such a lengthy and silly reply! It’s so salty we aren’t going to be able to eat it. Glass weights are amazing and they work. My wine cooler takes all the worry and stress out of fermentation. Just rinse it in a collander under the tap and cook it with weiners, sausage or any pork product and it will taste great. In 2015 they released a study that showed the same thing on high blood pressure patients. 15.06.2019 - Hier kommt die Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung für alle, die ohne Schimmel und Fäulnis leckeres Gemüse fermentieren wollen - mit Checkliste zum Ausdrucken! Sauerkraut selber machen. It’s finished when it reaches the amount of sourness/flavor you like. If you are having troubles with the cabbage floating to the top, you can weigh it down with a glass weight, OR even wedge a piece of the cabbage core on top to hold it down. Next time, try minding your own business. Hier ist also mein Rezept für Sauerkraut im Glas. No need to used weights. It would fermit and be wonderful. Do you have a amazon link for the jars you use? Are air locks an absolute requirement for making homemade fermented vegetables? If you wish, you can dice some bacon (unless vegan) and brown it first. Es macht sogar richtig Spaß – und ich verspreche dir, dass dein selbst gemachtes Sauerkraut vieeel besser schmeckt als das aus der Plastiktüte im Supermarkt. And, there are so many ways to enjoy it fresh. Yeah but without an airlock, you end up with a disgusting moldy old core at the end of fermentation! Or even make your own Tabasco sauce like I do with tomatillo’s and ghost peppers. Heat processing, however, does not “completely obliterate” all of the vitamins and probiotics. Then how long does it last in the fridge? You can wait until the end of the week– and no, definitely don’t wash the finished kraut. November 2020, 11:55 Uhr. Unfortunately, the canned, cooked, storebought varies will not have the same benefits, since heat destroys most of the beneficial bacteria and enzymes. I also sprout BOSS for them (they obviously eat better than I do . Bought the starter kit from Fermentools, followed the directions, left the sauerkraut in the wine cellar for several weeks while we went away on vacation. Herzenshund kerngesund - Blog zu den Themen Gesundheit, Ernährung und Naturheilkunde für Hunde. I am going to the store for cabbage and will be attempting this today:) How do you eat/serve kraut? So gibt es Belege, dass z.B. Fermentiertes Gemüse ist lebendige Nahrung. If you just care about flavor though, ferment it for less time and enjoy. My first try. NO it will have no nutrients left in it and is likely got some form of additive/preservative. I’m not sure where to buy quart size jars. Hence, the need to get creative if you are fermenting in hot weather. However, the other health benefits of sauerkraut remain. You want to get this right. The cores have high sugar content that the bacteria love! At what point do I take the weight out of the jar? This is a part of the learning curve of making homemade sauerkraut, and the more batches you make, the better you’ll get at adjusting the salt levels. I particularly LOVE it as a topping on a bratwurst in a bun with tons of onions! I absolutely loved your Sauerkraut recipe, its amazing. I guess there is no time like the present! I’ve had a few commenters say their sauerkraut either was too salty or not salty enough. I would suggest tasting the brine before you add it to the cabbage– it should taste like sea water before you start the process. That is why, we see so much plastic garbage on the oceanic beaches. I can’t wait to try this. It may be some bully teenager sending messages from mom’s computer. Die Beschwerungssteine und das Sauerkraut sind objektiv nicht mit diesem Schimmel bedeckt. Not gonna take that risk. . I love good sauerkraut! Eigentlich braucht man nur ein Schneidebrett, ein scharfes langes Messer, eine große Rührschüssel und ein Einmachglas, um es aufzubewahren. No need for brine. put an eight to ten pound weight on saucer. In another study, researchers found that elderly people who took heat-killed bacteria were significantly less likely to suffer from the common cold than those who took a placebo. (It helps if you can think of something that makes you mad while you do this–it’s better than therapy, really…). Thanks! If you do this, you’ll have the best tasting sauerkraut around! How hard is it to cut a cabbage? Just what we want “. Then went soggy. PLEAE ONE OF YOU GET OFF THIS WEBSITE, THEN I WILL DECIDE IF I WANT TO CONTINUE READING IT!!! I used a huge head of cabbage from my garden and it just barely fit in a 1/2 gallon mason jar. You can fit it through any lid and it spreads out over the surface of your cabbage and keeps it under the juices. Sauerkraut selber zu machen, ist längst nicht so kompliziert wie viele denken. Mother would then pack the cabbage into quart jars, add salt and water. Instead I let the blade pull it through. I used a cocktail muddler to pack the cabbage layers in the jar and it worked very well! Try to make the strips as uniform as possible, but don’t feel like they have to be perfect. I’ll call you. I put a pork roast in a large baking dish leaving enough room on the sides to add the kraut to the broth. That’s because your oils dissolve the plastic and your fingertips absorb them. Sauerkraut ist hierzulande sehr beliebt. Anyone? Clear, straightforward, detailed, and you explained why steps are done rather than just saying to do them. plaques found with Alzheimer’s! Thanks in advance. Jill I’ve been making my own sauerkraut and I plant a several heads every year including this year. So muss frisches Sauerkraut, das in Beuteln abgepackt ist, im Kühlschrank gelagert werden. Along with that, plastic carpeting, shoes, counter surfaces, polyester, nylon, and acrylic clothing should be replaced with natural materials. Read more. and it is then cooked very slowly, adding extra liquid only if In 6 Schritten zum perfekten Kompost. I’ve been making kraut for decades and the salt is hit or miss due to varying sizes heads and density. Sauerkraut selber zu machen, hat eine lange Tradition. My grandma would always make her pickles and preserves and soups and cottage cheese and all other food with love. So you need to stop using your keyboard as well. "The plans of the godly are just; the advice of the wicked is treacherous. I place the core of the cabbage on top of shredded cabbage in jar. Sauerkraut selber machen ist ein langer Prozess und entschleunigt mich spürbar. Just because we are forced to come in contact with plastics and can’t rid it completely from our lives, doesn’t mean I want to insert it into my kraut. Fermentiertes Gemüse ist lebendige Nahrung. My Mother and Daddy used to make sour kraut every year. Place your little bowl of kraut that you intend to eat, at room temperature for 10 or 15 minutes and watch the brine mysteriously appear again. das bei Hipstern so beliebte Koreanische Kimchi bereits seit dem 7. I can’t achieve 66 F any other way. On the other hand, there seems to be no to little activity, looking to the weck jars. Other people say they put red or green peppers in the cabbage. Schimmel auf dem Sauerteig erkennen durch weißen Flaum auf dem Teig. Now, I’d better go get some cabbage seeds started… Luckily, February is planting time where I am. The ferment was fine but it doesn’t look good. I drilled a hole in the lid to accept an air lock used in home wine making. You'll find thousands of German foodies, all eager to help and to talk about all things German, especially these yummy foods. anything. I had a bit of an underlying fear that my homemade versions would turn into a mutated-cabbage science experiment, so I always pushed it to the bottom of my “to-try” list. I bought two heads of cabbage and I made it up in gallon jar.It sure looks good. I don’t know if it changes the taste much, but it sure looks pretty. Zurecht, denn der eingelegte Weißkohl lässt sich zu zahlreichen herzhaften Gerichten kombinieren. Zutaten: 3 kg Weißkohl; 90 g Salz (ca. Das Superfood Sauerkraut. Might be an issue. Then again, you’re the foolish lady who cans her kraut, even though it lasts for a year in the fridge! How long can the jars be kept safely in a cold room as opposed to a fridge? Daddy would tighten the lids just a little and take the jars to the basement. However, here are a few tips: For my first few batches of kraut, I simply used a regular mason jar and lid. I used 1.5 T of Salt to one head of cabbage and it fit in a quart mason jar. Yes you can….it just takes longer to ferment. Her recipes are authentic, and she truly has an amazing assortment included from sauerbraten to spätzle and everything in between. I drain a tub of yogurt (overnight) and bottle the whey (that has probiotics in it) that drips into the bowl. Enter your best email for instant access>>, You can easily turn your regular salt into extra fine using your coffee grinder, if you have one. Oh, and I also add a good-sized bay leaf to every jar. Kahmhefe manifestiert sich als eine weiße Decke, die sich über diverse Fermente legt. Check out my, Still hesitant about making fermented foods? Yummy! Nimm‘ dir 5 Minuten und ich versuch‘ dir die Sache mit dem Gärtopf näher zu bringen. Wunderbar food. Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM UTC+02. I too put off fermenting way too long! This juice is much saltier than the 2% solution. If you pack it very tight, it will release juice as you press it, so you should be fine. However, I was excited when Fermentools sent me a 6-pack starter kit to try. € 6,54/100g . Bad bacteria needs oxygen to survive and grow. .so easy and delicious, It’s how my parents would make butter and they also fermented cabbage in it, Just filled my two gallon crock, so excited for kraut. I used my rolling pin. I made it for the first time ever. Definitely make sure there is the juice covering the top, though. Thank you for sharing. I have also had the same problem as Cheryl with my delicious brine draining out leaving dry sauerkraut. Zutaten. I happen to use a wine cooler….but not because I’m afraid of rot….certainly not…but because I want to maintain ideal temps for the best tasting kraut. Nice and detailed recipe, thanks! Is it ok to keep opening it to check every few days? Both of you could seriously use an education about the fermentation process. Selbst gemachtes Sauerkraut ist auch viel gesünder als gekauftes. Do you use 1 1/2 T of salt for each head of cabbage or continue to double it (or more) when making bigger batches (I’m supposing). necessary. Damit schützt du deinen Körper vor schädlichen Bakterien und förderst zugleich die Darmflora. “Most Lactobacillus species have a thermal death rate of ~145°F (63°C)” – says the internet. There are slight to major differences between brands, and according to your taste buds, you'll like one more than the others. My batch was to salty. cover with plastic wrap, pierce wrap with ONE small hole . Studies since the 80’s have shown people who limit salt do not live as long. Local plumbers in Cottage Lake WA will explain all thatt you should know concerning the cloudy water within the tub. Where there’s a will there’s a way, and I’m all about shortcuts! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. And the honey idea sounds yummy! I alone eat about 10 lbs of cabbage made into sauerkraut every 4 months. Learn how to use a fermenting crock in this post. Learn how your comment data is processed. Mit Portionsrechner Kochbuch Video-Tipps! Du findest hier Tips und Infos um z.B Gemüse und Obst zu fermentieren, Rezepte für Sauerkraut, Miso Paste, Soyasauce und Kombucha. Delicious with almost anything! You probably can, but canning it makes the kraut lose all the probiotic benefit. I’ve read that I don’t want to hot can, it takes the good stuff out, so how do re-can to store? Aktive … And isn’t Fermentools awesome?! I’ve made sauerkraut before using a 7.5L Hirsch crock, but it would take 4 to 6 weeks to ferment. and up to 1 hour. Die entstehende Säure verhindert, daß sich Schimmel bildet. are already present on the surface of the vegetables. Die Beschwerungssteine und das Sauerkraut sind objektiv nicht mit diesem Schimmel bedeckt. Bonita, you are definitely onto something there. Add sauerkraut and continue Die Mengenangaben und Koch-/Backzeiten der Zutaten werden im Text … Who said I had only been fermenting 8 months? If you are having troubles with the cabbage floating to the top, you can weigh it down with a glass weight (this is my favorite glass weight), OR even wedge a piece of the cabbage core on top to hold it down. Pop right over to my private Facebook group, the Kaffeeklatschers. Never put plastic bags anywhere near your kraut!!! Sauerkraut is a source of a variety of nutrients including dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, folate, iron, potassium, copper and manganese. Thanks for the recipe. Wow…you have much to learn. I weighted it down by putting one of the weights I use in my sewing, sealed it in a sandwich bag and put it on top before putting on the lid. Jetzt hat sich an der Gärtopfinnenwand grün-blauer Schimmel gebildet. Lol. Doch Sauerkraut lässt sich einfach zuhause selber machen – und hat dabei noch einige Vorteile gegenüber den fertigen Varianten aus dem Supermarkt. Als Optimisten sind wir zunächst nicht von Schimmel ausgegangen – es waren keinerlei Sporen oder ähnliches zu sehen und das Kraut roch auch noch gut. This easy recipe for sauerkraut is a staple in our German Use enough water to weigh it down and make an air tight seal around the edge. Affix a lid to the jar (fingertight only), and set aside in a room-temperature location, out of direct sunlight, for at least one week. I know this is “normal,” but is there a way to stop it from losing so much liquid—maybe not pack it as tight or use a coffee filter instead of a lid? I don’t understand why this website does not moderate Internet abusers and cyberharassment…. Can you use a KitchenAid mixer to mash the cabbage? You can add the other herbs/flavors right in with the cabbage before you ferment. I love that I don’t have to can it if I don’t want to and frankly I love the crunch. Und so gelingt es in wenigen Schritten: Schritt 1 – Vorbereitung: Wasche die Gläser heiß aus. This is really one of the BEST German cookbooks to come out in a long time. Just my thoughts. When do I add the turmeric, dill, etc.? I just made my very first batch of sauerkraut! Don’t you love those cabbage shredders? Mine is usually ready in four days. Traditional flavorings to add to kraut include sauteed onions, caraway or dill seed. Lol. I use 3 tablespoons of kosher salt per 5 lbs of shredded cabbage. I made my first batch about a month ago and let it sit for 4 weeks, to really get the probiotics going. Used the taste test and worked great. Can I reuse the fermented sauerkraut brine in next batch of cabbages? Oder noch besser, vom Jodlerklub Finsterwald, auf den Punkt gebracht: Sauerkraut macht sexy. So whenever I am making something that she would make (she made huge vats of fermented dills and sauerkraut every year in her kitchen) I always think lovely thoughts about her and how the food I am making will bring others pleasure. Hilarious Kimberly, that you were so upset that I disagreed with your terrible and misleading advice, that you had to ask your little friends, Donald Duck and Sarah Stupid, to come here and defend you. Hi Jill, I am from Wyoming too. I love sauerkraut but have never had made it. It's delicious with almost I’m excited to try the recipe. The good bacterias and salt prevent any of the bad from taking over….that is the whole point of fermenting! crock. Es lässt sich zudem mit etwas Geschick relativ simpel herstellen. Wichtig ist zudem, dass es sich bei den Lebensmitteln um ganze Stücke handelt. You can get through a whole cabbage in a few minutes. If you are a newbie to making homemade fermented foods, especially sauerkraut, check out my Heritage Cooking Crash Course. Have I done it wrong? It works well every time. 1 Kopf Weißkohl; 3 TL Salz this is the first time this happened. Actually, the rule of thumb is…3 tablespoons of salt for every 5 pounds of cabbage. I particularly like this sea salt from Redmonds (learn more about them in my Cooking with Salt article), as it dissolves almost immediately. I make mine with jalapenos and garlic, have for years with no problem. Wichtig ist, dass er oben eine Wasserrinne zur Entlüftung hat. I have sauerkraut to make and I don’t have time for your unintelligent posts. LYN YOUR CONTRARINESS IS SO IRRITATING! I aim to highlight ones that you might find interesting, and if you buy future items from those companies, I may get a small share of the revenue from the sale. I'm a food writer and cookbook author, always looking to find ways to pass on my German heritage using local ingredients.