Head transforms to semi-autonomous Cerebros, who is binary-bonded to the Nebulan leader, Spike. Allicons are another breed of the Quintessons' enforcer-units, often used as guards for more important members of the race. Possesses an array of radar dishes positioned under roof in car mode. Rizwan Manji as Akram, Mahfouz's father. Carries twin mortar cannons. The two only cooperate when their lives depend on it. Primacron built the Oracle to help him create life, but the Oracle's corporeal existence was cut short after the birth of Unicron. Relaxed, easy going, happy wherever he is. Job is to lead enemy astray. Carries a sonic stun gun and a missile cannon. Carries flammable "fire-fog" missiles, uses photon displacer gun that affects sight by distorting light waves. A vengeful scientist, he blames Optimus Prime for his scarred face, but was unwittingly instrumental in bringing the Autobot leader back to life. Rocket can achieve planetary orbit. Shell-resistant and steel-reinforced hull can withstand enemy bombardment and extreme temperature variations. Internal light-matrix data store system has nearly infinite data storage capacity. Nancy is a Junkion who appears to be the consort of the Junkion leader Wreck-Gar, and is the only known female Junkion. Smashes head-first into highway trestles and small buildings to relieve his aggression. Nasty, underhanded, loves to gloat over his victories. Lazy, difficult to motivate, but has a hair-trigger temper. As vehicle, at 30 mph exerts 800,000 psi... has short-range concussion bomb launcher. Cassette warriors (or "Mini-Cassettes", or simply "Cassettes"or “Mini-Cons” like in Transformers Robots in disguise) are tiny Transformers; they are no taller than the humans. The loyal and honorable Decepticon warrior often finds himself at odds with the very dishonorable Nightstick and generally considers him an irritating pest. Tough polymer-steel skin resists artillery. In jet mode, maximum speed: 5200 mph. Always takes death-defying risks. A powerful fighter. Follows Megatron's orders eagerly. Often inhibited by his disdain for combat. Chromia is a soldier under the command of Elita One and seems to function as a second-in-command for her, leading the rest of the team when Elita's not around. Fastest flyer of group, can reach Mach 2.8 and an altitude of 52 miles. Fires bombs up to 8.3 miles and lightning-like 80,000 volt beam up to 12 miles of limited accuracy. Flies at speeds up to 250 mph. Uses ferrocobalt magnet under hood to be pulled by and within a few feet of other vehicles, reducing his fuel use to near zero. Galvatron is a cold-hearted robotic supervillain. He carries out his job with ferocious intensity. Bonnie Carlson is a news anchor for KSUN TV. Can generate protective electric field. Although physically the weakest Autobot, his stealth more than compensates for this inadequacy. Hands' sensors can determine physical and chemical properties of metals. Aged to the point of decrepitude, he has painful memories of the Boer War, and is no longer able to pour tea straight. Fires particle beam fusion cannon. In robot mode, uses photon pistol and thermal sword. In robot mode, has two shatterblasters that shoot diamond-hard shards. Can detect infrared. At times he laughs so hard at his jokes he blows internal circuits and disables himself. Not too sociable, but absolutely reliable. He can go underwater for reconnaissance and salvage missions. Vulnerable to thermal and electromagnetic interference. They live in smoldering craters on Jupiter's moon of Io. Carries turret-mounted mortar cannon that shoots armour-piercing shells. The jaws and teeth of the Sharkticon are so powerful and strong that they can snap a six inch-thick titanium steel rod in 0.23 of a second. Shoots "glass gas" which makes metal as brittle as glass. Can destroy his enemies with ultrasonic waves and smash metal bridges with a single chop of his hand. Nosey. Determined, tenacious, coolly professional when on a mission. Uses a 400 mph, wind producing cyclone gun. Ever ready to sacrifice himself for the good of men and mission. Jazz loves Earth culture. Daring in battle... believes victory will come via technological advancement. Excellent vision—can see long distances in three directions at the same time. A creature of the night. Six-gun is small robot, has ion-pulse rifles for arms, twin surface-to-air guided missile launchers on back, acetylene pistol. Driving recklessly, screaming and laughing. The only transformer with a human name, she spends countless hours watching TV, and like all Junkions, she can be blasted to pieces without taking any noticeable permanent damage, and is capable of repairing herself within seconds. Explodes into furious, ferocious action when it's time to strike. Shoots heat-seeking plasma bombs from mouth and mind-controlling hypno-beam from optical sensor. Scourge is fearsome, merciless and an implacable hunter. Likes to watch things blow up – the bigger the explosion the better. Simply click again to get 10 new random names. Doesn't stop blasting until he is hip-deep in smoking rubble. A full tank, clear skies, open road – that's all he wants out of life. Speaks in odd rhyming sentences and despises the Decepticons. The sound of his engines causes petrifying fear in those who hear them. Breathes fire. In robot mode – has two electro-burst rifles. Not very fast... often in danger due to daydreaming. Tail can shatter 20 foot concrete cube. He tends to follow rules too closely. Puts up a stubborn front to hide deep-rooted insecurities. Possesses solar powered auxiliary engines. Garages are prisons to him... doesn't understand Earth machines are not alive. Thanks for nothing. The Transformers Name Generator (also 'Get Your Transformers Name') is a name generator promoting the Transformers Cybertron franchise. Extremely modest about his achievements... berates himself for not doing more. She explained that someone seemed to have stolen some of the scenes from the workprint. Carries cargo. Carries fireball cannon... shoots 2000 degree bursts of blue fire 1.5 miles. Your Result: Wildstrike . Has 10,000 degrees Celsius solar energy beam rifle. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press. Not a trace of mercy can be found among his microchips. He keeps his hat on while he break-dances, and it never falls off! Known as "Scourge", after being injured and recreated with a new form during the battle of Autobot City. Speed: 100 mph. The alternate version of the Cassette warriors' origin is stated in the animated series. Travels at 110 mph, range 800 miles, his four-wheel drive handles roughest terrain, climbs grades up to 50 degrees. Pounce is sly, silent, and savage. Furg was utilized by Starscream to frighten off and/or dispose of people who interfered with the flow of customers into the Dancitron nightclub, which apparently included going after innocent breakdancers, he led a gang of roughly fifteen punks and one mind-controlled businessman in performing his strongarm sidewalk defense. Maximum speed: 180 mph. Other terms for the Decepticons are Décepticans (in France), Destructors (in Italy), Bedragarna (in Sweden), Bedragoner (in Denmark), Shakranikim (in Israel) and Álca (in Hungary). Great strength... ceramic-plated armored skin can take up to 8000 degrees Celsius. Has laser scalpels, arc-welders, electron microscopes, circuit sensors, fluid dispensers at his disposal. Finds joy only in battle. What does interest him are those new-fangled flying robots. You can be strong and gentle at the same time. Equipped with photon rifle, flamethrower, full-spectrum beacon, 180db stereo speakers. Vain – upset by even the smallest scratch to his gun barrel. Slow, awkward, not too bright. In robot mode, uses electrical overload guns. As car, has powerful double-mounted air-compressor cannon with 50 mile range; as robot uses blinding photon pistol. Her father gave her a necklace with a top secret formula and requested she never take the necklace off. Elise is a. The Transformers Name Generator takes the first and last letters of the name entered and selects a corresponding Transformers name prefix and suffix. Fights only when he is under attack and has to defend himself. Slow, not too clever – often victim of the calamities he causes. Though the towers and/or cannon have been seen in each of the continuities Trypticon has appeared in, the tank mode is a much rarer sight. Though his last appearance is. Their best own leader is Megatron. Enormous height, incredible strength – can knock down a bridge with one punch. Talks to himself in a song-song backward way: "Destroy the Autobots I shall. Carries heat-seeking missiles and variable-calibre machine guns. The first 5 names in this generator are created by combining 2 words, there are many transformers with such names and chances are some of these names belong to an actual transformer. Bounty hunter. Rude, gruff, and direct. In robot mode, has fusion-powered anti-gravity gun. He served for years as the head of security for the Nebulan Ruling Council and spent most of that time horribly bored and unsatisfied. Flies at speeds up to 1500 mph... produces controlled, deafening sonic booms – can be heard for 200 miles. Unconquerable. Specializes in insulting others, but gets angry when others make fun of him. Mostly others. In charge of guarding anything of importance. Kept on calling Hoist "Moist". It is said Soundwave can hear an Autobot leak. As an automatic machine gun, Caliburst can shoot armor-piercing shells at 1200 rounds per minute. Fights only out of necessity; believes all violence is ultimately pointless and counterproductive. Claws can rip through foot-thick steel. Needs to control a situation otherwise, he, too falls victim to fear – making him useless as a warrior! Doesn't pay attention to where he is going since he is too busy marvelling at scenery. Range: 8000 miles. Flies at 250 mph... air-to-air missile launcher under each wing fires missiles equivalent of 5000 lbs. Prefers streaking into a cluster of Decepticons to shooting at them from long range... says, "that always sparks their wires a bit." Loves the ocean and its creatures... unhappy when he returns to land and reverts to robot form. He is also a liar and a scoundrel—don't believe anything he says, especially if there is likely to be money in it. He is his own worst enemy. Expert marksman with armor-piercing rocket-dart hunting rifle. Has two balance destroying gyro-guns in robot mode. He is usually seen in the form of Metroplex's left rear tower, and is rarely seen in tank form. In jet mode: range 700 miles, maximum speed 750 mph. Possesses acute military prowess. Bottom lights can produce strobe effect, full color spectrum with blinding 10,000 watt brightness. He especially hates poetry, which puts him at odds with his Headmaster partner, Weirdwolf. As robot, carries 60,000 volt lightning rifle, 5000 degree thermo-sword. Too many crashes can injure him, particularly internal mechanics. Any organic creature whose status on the evolutionary scale ranks higher than a slime mold, particularly Autobots, sends him into a ferocious frenzy. Secretly desires to be human. Incredible maneuverability... delights in displaying his dazzling aerial virtuousity, to friends or foes... just wants their appreciation of his talent. Back-mounted rocket thrusters allows speeds of 300 mph, 2000 mile range. Likely to trace any scent. Linkin Park - Iridescent I will be trying to upload some more videos soon. Vertical-take-off-and-landing aircraft, flies at Mach 1.6, range 800 miles, extremely maneuverable. Uses twin mortar launcher in Autobot mode, photon cannon in Decepticon mode. Original Monte Milch Creme Genuss: Für echte Milchliebhaber gibt es den einzigartigen Genuss von 100% unverwechselbarer Monte Milch Creme im praktischen 6er-Pack. Uses turret gun as radar scope, infrared radiation collector. Pinpointer, his dual rocket-propelled grenade launcher, can lock on target in less than .0003 seconds, but usually trusts Crosshairs to decide when to shoot. His attention to detail is... somewhat lacking. Has head-mounted laser cannon. Carly had to point out to her that they could make more copies from the negatives. Has difficulty talking coherently for more than a few seconds before violently lashing out at anything near him, friend or foe. As robot, very strong... launches heat-seeking missiles from wrist sockets. In battle, gets close enough to count the bolts in Decepticon armor plates. Which generation do you belong to? Scourge's only weakness is his arrogance. Often expresses skillful knowledge of science and computers and works closely with Wheeljack and Perceptor. Civil and sophisticated yet very cruel and destructive. Like his fellow Dinobots, resents authority. Extremely agile in jeep mode; can go into flips and rolls with very little loss in speed. A brawling, bragging berserker... he wades into a Decepticon patrol with all barrels blazing, doesn't stop until he is out of ammo. The all-American boy of the Nebulan Headmasters, Gort rose up from a lowly position as stable boy to courageous defender of his planet. Transformers Characters - (list, by Name) All Transformers character names*, from 1984 to present. He is very good friends with the Autobots, particularly Wheelie, Grimlock, and Hot Rod, but the one he is closest to is Arcee, who views him as a surrogate son. Shrikebats are large, purple, flying, vaguely reptilian creatures. Anything less than dangerous is boring to him. Believes Decepticons should rely more on guile and speed rather than brute force to defeat Autobots. "The skies are my castle and I like to live alone." Oldest, toughest, most battle-tested Autobot. Paired with Blowpipe, a powerful compressed-air cannon who is also the conniving, envious brother-in-law of Lord Zarak, the Nebulan leader of the Decepticon Headmasters. Cool-headed, a robot of few words, reveals little of his true self to either side. Lacks self-esteem and often asks to be left behind. Has overwhelming destructive power. Gregory Swofford has been wounded both inside and out due to his past experiences with the Transformers. As the most trusted lieutenant of Optimus Prime, he will do whatever it takes to protect earth and its people. The name Monte is a boy's name meaning "man power". 2%. Pointblank doesn't feel the Autobots should have involved the Nebulans in the war to begin with, and so disapproves of his partner and his advice on principle. Shortage of ruby crystals that powers the lasers can panic his systems into shutting down. When his sensors are activated, thinks trouble is coming. Loves the sound of his guns blasting away. Can see a dime from 10,000 feet. Full-Tilt is a Decepticon drone from the Generation 1 continuity family. The last 5 names are mostly 1 word names, I think I only added original names, but there are hundreds of transformer names, so there might be a few which do already belong to a transformer. As jet, he flies at mach 2.7, range 1500 miles, has heat-seeking concussion missiles. A clanking, crushing terror that destroys all in his path – the ultimate Decepticon weapon if he wasn't so confused by the opposing thoughts of the 5 Stunticons who comprise him. Abdul Ben Faisal is the greatest sage in all of. Carries electrostatic battery that releases bolt of up to 150,000 volts through his nose cone. Completely without mercy. In vehicle mode, uses two gravity-rod rifles to cause objects to float away or crash to the ground. In the 3rd season, Ultra Magnus became second-in-command of the Autobot’s, and an advisor for Rodimus Prime. Slow... uncooperative nature hinders others from helping him. Fascinated by seemingly worthless Earthen gadgetry – carrot juicers, musical wrist-watches, electrical hair combers, etc.. Collects them in unused corner of Ark, creating a mini museum of American consumerisim. Controls two armored vehicles, Gasket and Grommet, which combine to form Cog. Nothing is too insignificant or irrelevant to escape his notice. He has two mouths to feed—his own—and spends most of his time doing it. In later versions, Megatron and Galvatron appear as separate entities. Shovel can slice through 12 in. Rocksteady is a member of the Bop Crew. Binary-bonded to Gort, a cheerful, courageous young Nebulan. In wolf mode, nose module is equipped with various tracking scanners. Huffer is cynical, hard-boiled and pessimistic. Rubble-strewn wasteland is his idea of beautiful landscape. Can trigger alarms in other Autobots. Wheeljack is the mad scientist of the Autobots. Sideswipe is nearly the equal of his twin brother, Sunstreaker, in the combat arts, but less cold-blooded. Range: 630 miles. Magnetism inhibits flying ability. The bubbly little sister, Moonracer has much naïve optimism in it and, to the dismay of her partners-in-guerrilla warfare, pratfalls. Other terms for the Autobots are Autorobots (in Italy), Autoboterna (in Sweden), Kibery (in Ukraine), and Robotrikim (in Israel). Binary-bonded to Stylor, an egotistical Nebulan more concerned with personal appearance than warfare. Resolute, fair, and courageous beyond reproach. Doesn't pay attention to where he is going or the orders he is being given – easily distracted by anything. What is your Transformer name? (Join me?). Sorry for not uploading in a long while. Their first cassette, Laserbeak, could fly undetected into any Autobot stronghold, record information and then return to base. Second strongest Autobot – can lift 190,000 pounds and knock down a small building with one punch. Fights unceasingly to defeat the Decepticons. Then the Decepticons decided to increase their spying abilities with Ratbat. Ultra Magnus is all soldier. as part of a science project. While not a good actor, more the kind to be found in the freezer section next to the other pork products, Caliburst does know the importance of staying in character. A creature of the night. Sullen, fatalistic, sees little reason to continue Transformers' war. The ultimate defense force! 1977 Chevrolet Camaro. Shows no mercy to Autobots who happen to be on the highway with him. They have scaly skin and are nearly as large as the average Transformer. Scourge possesses powerful high-tech scanning equipment and a disintegrater ray that can cut through solid rock. Dumb, brutish, but loyal. Not much help when asked about something important. Only two universes acknowledge Brunt's separate existence, and even then just as a mindless drone. Armored hide resists most missiles. Victor Drath is a successful crime lord in the far-flung future of 2006. Uses twin vaporators, which shoot mists of oxidizing, freezing, and corrosive liquids; and photon pistol. Their main leader is Optimus Prime, but other "Primes" have also commanded the Autobots such as Rodimus Prime. Acts as communications satellite... optical sensors can see bicycle at 600 miles. Casts powerful magnetic fields which can attract or repel large metal objects. In scorpion mode, tail shoots 100,000 volt electric bursts, has twin pulse blasters, claws can crush mountains. Sub-machine gun fires 300 rounds per minute. In creature mode, claws and teeth can slice through almost any substance. Prefers brute force over reason and will NEVER back down from a challenge. Determined to lead the Decepticons and destroy Cybertron since the Autobots took it back from the Decepticons, forcing them to abandon their Earth base and retreat to the planet Charr, which would result in disposing of Megatron's dream of reviving Cybertron. Maybe someday he will get to meet them...? Then he can show off his razor-sharp teeth, piercing pronghorns, and steel-shredding claws. Loves his sleek styling, contemptuous of other Autobot race cars. If Frenzy needed to breathe, war would be his oxygen. Yet it was this combination of knowledge and skill, along with the combined input of his future partner, that allowed the creation of the Binary Bonding process. ^.^ The Throttlebot's self-appointed comedian. Speed: 120 mph. Will run for safety if threatened. Monte name meaning in German is Spitzberg. Prone to overheating. He has a green suit. For reasons that are unclear, he bears some resemblance to the Star Warrior. Chromedome in return tries to get Stylor to be a little less superficial. Autobots. This name generator will give you 10 random names for transformers. In robot mode, carries electro-shield and semi-automatic sonic boomer gun. In vehicle mode, uses solid rocket fuel packs to boost speed to 450 mph. The right machine for the right job. Discover the meaning of the Monter name on Ancestry®. Ever since the episode "Five Faces Of Darkness Part 5", he and Metroplex became mortal enemies. Fights when called upon despite anti-war feelings. Aimless should have been called "Useless". Transforming into a version of Kup's original old-style musket laser, Recoil has found a good match with the crusty Autobot, both seeking the respect they feel their age and experience deserves. Pure brutality – sole purpose is to crush all in his path. Nancy also seems to have some sort of relationship with Wreck-Gar as well, perhaps a romantic one. This is a list of characters from The Transformers television series. Professor Greene is a scientist who just wants to help the Autobots defend Earth against the Decepticons. Given that he joined the Transformer conflict for the money because there was no one left on Nebulos that could stomach appreciate his "talent", he has an incentive to not screw up, Slugslinger treats his partner fairly well, mostly due to the direct link between the condition of the Decepticon's backbone infrastructure in combat and the condition of his weaponry. As a bat, Ratbat can hide in crevices that Laserbeak cannot reach, and is especially effective in tunnels, caves or in the darkness of space. Carries four air-to-air missiles and two automatic missile launchers in robot mode. Enormously strong, resistant to most conventional artillery. The Return of Optimus Prime (Part 2) and Call of the Primitives, A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (Unported) (CC-BY-SA) license, Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_The_Transformers_(TV_series)_characters&oldid=992767046, Lists of characters in American television animation, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Very good at what he does, but sometimes overrates himself. Spent several thousand years crunching numbers at Cybertron's Institute for Higher Programming before a Decepticon attack reduced it to a pile of smoking microchips. If you are interested in all the cars and vehicle brands and models seen in film “Transformers” (2007) this post may be very informative to you. An unhappy loner of few words and fewer opinions. As car or robot uses launcher to fire heat-seeking incendiary missiles 60 miles. Carries two solar-powered pellet guns that fire 1200 rounds per minute. He is the grandson of Sparkplug Witwicky. Always feels better afterwards. Extremely territorial, nasty hair-trigger temper. Loves the thrill of naval battle. Hound loves the natural wonders of Earth, prefers it to Cybertron. Splits into three autonomous modules: 1) Optimus Prime... the brain center known as the Commander 2) Roller, the Autobot scout car... a spy who operates up to 1200 miles away; and 3) Autobot Headquarters... the combat deck equipped with a versatile mechanic/artillery robot. Compassionate, cautious – will restrict an Autobot to repair bay for faulty directional signal. Extreme claustrophobia – feels the sky isn't big enough for him. Small but always acting tough. Name Monte Categories. Each deadly mission is like working on a new masterpiece. Cruises the Earth with the curiosity of a cat. Rumble is your basic street punk. Carries two powerful heat-seeking missiles. Range: 450 miles. Has sonar, radar, radiowave detector. Trivia: Mysteriously absent from The TF Movie, despite Hal Rayle being present during production to voice another one of his characters, Shrapnel. Peacemaker, his stereophonic sonic blaster, is a Nebulan law enforcement official who's trying, but failing, to persuade Pointblank to be more accommodating. Alongside Soundwave and Shockwave, Skywarp is one of Megatron's loyal and most favored troops. Chemical and infra-red sensors collect and analyze geographical data – locate resources. Created, Nightbird is a human construct with a single form and thus not actually a Transformer herself. Can achieve Earth orbit, even go to Moon and back with enough fuel. To him, warfare is barbaric, worthy of only the most primitive... thinks differences need to be talked about, which he does endlessly. Range: 5 miles. Finds all Earth music interesting, but it's rock'n'roll – good, hard and loud – that really sparks his circuits. In robot mode wears head-mounted mortar... throws 50 pound explosive shell eight miles. "Let me at 'em" is Cliffjumper's motto. Along with Scamper and Slammer, he helps patrol and defend Metroplex's interior and periphery. King Nergill rules Sub-Atlantica, a hidden kingdom of water-breathing humanoid fishmen. Slammer, a drone controlled by Metroplex, does not do much. The coming of the Transformers to Nebulos may have been a tragedy for most of his race, but it was quite possibly the best thing to ever happen to Duros... and also the worst, in Hardhead he has found a kindred spirit, and the two have bonded over their shared interest in combat and warfare to become one of the closest pairings among all the Headmasters.