Im Unterricht erkannten sie, dass Hermine jetzt die gemeine Lehrerin für Verteidigung gegen die dunklen Künste war. The Sorting Hat placed Rose in Gryffindor and both Scorpius and Albus in Slytherin, to the surprise of many. Albus liked to stay with his father and he looked up to him for advice and comfort. Albus umarmt seinen Vater kurz bevor er sich zu seinem ersten Schuljahr begiebt. Nationality Er hatte lange Zeit Probleme damit der Sohn des berühmten Harry Potters zu sein, da dies einen enormen Druck auf ihn ausübte. Die meisten von Albus Roben gehörten vorher seinem älteren Bruder James Potter. Albus is said to look much like Harry and to be the only one of his siblings to have inherited Lily Potter's green eyes. Albus wollte Delphini später sogar aus Rache wegen ihres Mordes an Craig Bowker Jr. töten. Es geht wie der Titel sagt um Fails, Rechtschreibfehler, Klischees usw. xD# #Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes wurde 2007 veröffentlicht. A year later and after a conversation with his cousin Rose, who informed him of a Time Turner being discovered at the home of Theodore Nott by Harry, Albus rushed to find Scorpius and tell him of it. Dies war zu sehen, als sie Albus Vater über seine Babydecke kontaktierten. Albus freute sich dann wieder im dritten Schuljahr Scorpius zu sehen, war jedoch traurig, als er erfuhr, dass die Mutter von Scorpius Astoria Malfoy gestorben war. Harry bereute es, dies gesagt zu haben, aber er konnte den Schaden nicht mehr rückgängig machen. Beide schienen sich generell auch ziemlich schnell zu streiten. Als Rose schließlich darauf bestand das Abteil zu wechseln, lehnte Albus ab. The next summer, Albus overheard a private conversation between his father and Amos Diggory. Harry regretted saying it, but the damage was done. Am 1. He struggled with his father's legacy and pressure that was heaped upon him by others. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Albus, Scorpius, and Delphini disguised by use of Polyjuice. The two continued to have a cold relationship, despite Harry's attempts to reconcile with him, until they finally sat down and talked. Much to the diastase of the Weasley-Potter clan. In der Schulbibliothek fand Scorpius Albus und konfrontierte ihn mit dem, was sie getan hatten und sorgte dafür, dass er ihn nicht mehr ignorieren konnte. -» Harry Potter Charaktere -» Deine Familie 19 Fragen - Erstellt von: GINNY LUNA - Entwickelt am: 08.08.2019 - 10.895 mal aufgerufen - 7 Personen gefällt es She is the younger sister of Fred Weasley II who was named after their late uncle Fred Weasley. Dabei umarmten sie sich. This provoked Ginny Potter, who was sitting near Skeeter in the journalists' enclosure to hex her mid-sentence.[7]. Nachdem Amos ein Gerücht gehört hatte, dass das Britische Zaubereiministerium einen illegalen Zeitumkehrer von Theodore Nott erhalten hatte, forderte er Albus Vater auf, damit in die Vergangenheit zu reise und Cedric Diggory vor dem Tod zu retten. When Delphi spoke with Albus on the staircase at Hogwarts, Scorpius was jealous and hurt that Albus was owling her but still refusing to speak with him. Auch half er unbewusst, wie seine Mutter, dunklen Zauberern (Ginny halt Tom Riddle und Albus. Dies sah man daran, dass er auf die Idee kam seinen Vater aus der Vergangenheit zu kontaktieren, indem er Harry Potters Babydecke benutzt und auf diese eine Nachricht schrieb. Throughout the following three years of school, Albus continued to suffer the burden of his father's legacy and struggled to live up to others' expectations as the son of Harry Potter. Siblings. Harry visiting Albus in the hospital wing. Albus Severus Potter adalah anak kedua Harry dan Ginny Potter. Die beiden Jugendlichen entkamen jedoch und sprangen vom Zug ab. 20 January 2007) was a pure-blood witch and the daughter of George Weasley and Angelina Weasley (née Johnson). After returning from the past, Albus severely injured his arm and Scorpius was incredibly worried for his friend. During his first year flying lessons, Albus was the only one who failed to make his broom rise. Kommt mir so vor. "[9] During his time at Hogwarts, Albus was bullied by his peers for being different from his father, something that was already a great fear of his and he became emotionally shut off from most people. Albus also stays by his father's side as he watches the murder of his grandparents at the hands of Lord Voldemort, they embraced each other. Loyalty Albus und Scorpis reisten zum St.-Oswald-Altenheim und trafen sich dort mit Delphini und Amos Diggory, die ihrem Plan zustimmten. Mostly only when their parents are around. [7], Albus attends the 2014 Quidditch World Cup with his family, In 2014, Albus, aged roughly eight, attended the finals of the 427th Quidditch World Cup with his family. The three then decided to put their mistake right and travel to the second task hoping that making Cedric lose more points would properly save him. Im nächstem Sommer hörte Albus ein privates Gespräch zwischen seinem Vater und Amos Diggory. Delphini ging dann zurück in die Gegenwart und zerstörte den Zeitumkehrer, wobei sie Albus und Scorpius zurückließ. Albus attended the 2014 Quidditch World Cup Final with his family, where his father introduced him … In the epilogue he is the Potter child focused on the most, as he expresses to his father his fears of being Sorted into Slytherin before his first year at Hogwarts. When trying to get a message to Harry in the future from 1981, Scorpius suggested shouting "HELP" at baby Harry. Family members Danach kehrten sie alle in die Gegenwart zurück, wo Delphini nach Askaban geschickt wurde. During his first flying lesson, Albus failed to demonstrate his flying skills and was subsequently nicknamed the "Slytherin Squib". Delphi bat Voldemort, der eigentlich Harry war, sie zu akzeptieren und enthüllte, dass sie die Tochter von Voldemort und Bellatrix Lestrange war. Delphini sagte jedoch, dass sie ein wahres Talent in ihm spürte und er wahrscheinlich nur ein Spätzünder sei. His godfather was Neville Longbottom.In 2014, Albus, aged roughly eight, attended the finals of the 427th Quidditch World Cup with his family. Der Verwandlungszauber verblasste jedoch und Delphini und Harry duellierten sich. So hatte er genau wie sein Vater die Angst ins Haus Slytherin zu kommen. Albus' robes are hand-me-downs from his older brother James, making Albus quite uncomfortable and he was prone to playing with his clothes. In 2017, Albus began his education at Hogwarts with Rose Granger-Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy and was sorted into Slytherin House. Während Albus schnell unüberlegt handelt, ist Scorpius besonnener, zum Beispiel als Albus seine Großeltern sehen wollten. Albus behauptete, dass sie trotz ihrer Beziehung als Vater und Sohn beide komplizierte Menschen sind und Schwierigkeiten haben neue Kontakte zu knüpfen. Rose reminded Albus that their parents met on the train, so finding the right compartment to sit in was very important as they too could meet their lifelong friends here. Harry also told Albus that if he preferred Gryffindor, then the Sorting Hat would take this choice into account, as it did for him. Ta on oma isa ja Harry poolse vanaisa peaaegu täpne koopia, ainult et tal on Lily silmad (rohelised mandlikujulised silmad). Still, he was always there for Albus (and by association, Delphi) and willing to help and assist him throughout his plan. Bei der Ankunft in Godric's Hollow eilte Albus sofort zu ihr, erleichtert, sie zu sehen. Gender While Albus is the more impulsive of the two Scorpius is more level-headed, such as when Albus wanted to see his grandparents and argued that they could handle knowing what was going to happen to them. in Harry Potter Fanfictions . Das heißt, Fandom verdient eine Provision, wenn ihr über einen dieser Links etwas kauft. Während des Besuchs des Grabes von Cedric Diggory umarmen sie sich erneut und schmelzen dadurch näher zusammen. When joking that the two may become trapped in time for the next forty years and would have to hide in a hole, Albus joked with his friend that he'd "choose someone massive and really good at magic" to hide with rather than him. On 1 September, 2017, Albus left for his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry along with his brother, his cousin Rose Granger-Weasley, and Scorpius Malfoy. Albus traf Scorpius zum ersten Mal auf Gleis 9¾, als sie on den Hogwarts-Express einsteigen wollten, lernten sich jedoch erst offiziell kennen, als Albus mit seiner Cousine Rose Granger-Weasley in das Abteil ging, in dem Scorpius saß. Am Tag bevor Albus in sein viertes Schuljahr startete, sprach Harry allein in seinem Schlafzimmer mit Albus, in der Hoffnung ihn dazu zu bringen, sein Verhalten gegenüber seiner Familie zu ändern. Harry gave Albus the blanket he was first wrapped in when he was brought to the Dursleys. Albus wollte nicht mehr mit seinem Vater gesehen werden und manchmal sogar nicht mehr mit ihm sprechen. Scorpius spotted Delphi's Augurey tattoo, which reminded him of the Augurey symbol in the alternate timeline with Voldemort. [9] Dies war das erste Mal, dass er einem seiner Kinder davon erzählte. Being separated from his best and only friend only made Albus more depressed and resentful towards his father. [7], Albus wäre beinahe jubelnd aus der VIP-Box gestürzt, als Flores das erste Tor des Spiels erzielte, aber sein Onkel Ronald Weasley griff nach seiner Robbe und rettete ihn. Al (by Harry Potter)Slytherin Squib[4] (by Karl Jenkins)Ron Weasley (under disguise of Polyjuice Potion) Sie verzog das Gesicht. Schreibe Harry Potter um und finde heraus, welche Kombination von zwei Häusern du bist ... Zu welchem Haus gehört diese Figur? Scorpius folgte ihm aus einem Fenster des Hogwarts-Express auf das Dach des fahrenden Zuges und zeigte so unglaubliches Vertrauen und Loyalität. Even so, Albus had the ability to be quite self-centred even with Scorpius, often complaining about his life whilst forgetting about his friend's problems. "Harry Potter and the cursed child" is a play, in which Albus Severus Potter's house will most likely be revealed. Between 1 September 2005 and 31 August 2006[1] Great Britain[2] Human[5] Er vertraute Harry auch Dinge an, die er sonst niemandem sagte. Scorpius wollte daraufhin, dass Albus auch zu der Beerdigung kam. After arriving at Hogwarts, Albus and his fellow students attended the Sorting ceremony. Still, he was able to perform simple spells. When Rose insisted that she and Albus move compartments, Albus refused. His hands shook as he sat on the stool. Bright green Delphi lud Albus ein, sie und Amos im St.-Oswald-Altenheim zu besuchen, wo sie arbeitete. Sie lösten eine Reihe von Rätseln aus Hermines Bücherregal und entdeckten den Zeitumkehrer, den sie stahlen. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, St Oswald's Home for Old Witches and Wizards, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (video game), World Exclusive Interview with J K Rowling, Writing by J.K. Rowling: "The Potter Family", DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY REUNITES AT QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP FINAL, New details on Cursed Child, the ‘eighth Harry Potter story' by the Pottermore Team, Cursed Child reveals first look at Harry, Ginny, and Albus Potter in character, New cast announced for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child London,,,, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Articles with information from Wizarding World, Articles with information from Pottermore, Articles with information from Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, The fact that Albus was the only of Harry's children to inherit. Albus Severus Potter on J. K. Rowlingu romaanisarjas "Harry Potter" Harry Potteri ja Ginny Weasley poeg, James Potteri ja Lily Potteri vend. Er ist der Patensohn von Neville Longbottom. I am married to Amelia Potter, and we have a daughter named Selena Ginevra Potter. zu jung, wenn er danach geboren worden wäre, um in Hogwarts am 1. At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. Aber es gibt noch andere, … Als Delphini in Hogwarts mit Albus sprach, war Scorpius eifersüchtig und verletzt, dass Albus mit ihr sprach, aber sich immer noch weigerte mit ihm zu sprechen. Als das Trio durch Vielsafttrank zu Harry (Scorpius), Ronald Weasley (Albus) und Hermine Granger (Delphini) wurde, hatte Scorpius Spaß daran, Albus wie seinen Sohn streng zu behandeln. Roxanne began Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 2018 and was sorted into Gryffindor like her cousin Rose Granger-Weasley and her ancestor Talis … Genau wie Lily Potter und Hugo Granger-Weasley scheinen sie ziemlich gut befreundet zu sein. Arthur Bowen as Albus Potter in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Theo Ancient as Albus Potter in the original West End production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Sean Rees-Wemyss as Albus Potter in the original cast of the Melbourne production, Nicholas Podany as Albus Potter in the Year 2 cast of the Broadway version of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, The Harry Potter Wiki has 70 images related to, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Scorpius offered his hand to Albus but Albus pulled him into a tight hug and continued their friendship. However, Delphini stated that she sensed greatness and true talent in him, telling him that he was probably just a late bloomer. Scorpius war in Ordnung. While eavesdropping on the conversation, Albus and Delphi met for the first time. Albus Severus Potter . In seiner Jugend wächst er genauso schnell wie sein Vater, was darauf hinweist, dass er genauso groß werden wird wie sein Vater. When at their flying lessons Albus was unable to make his broom move whereas Scorpius was and the two, who were partnered during Potions, exploded their cauldron. Roxanne Weasley (b. Er schien viel von der Persönlichkeit seines Vaters geerbt zu haben. Während seiner ersten Besenflugstunde war Albus der einzige, der seinen Besen nicht zum Aufstehen brachte. He teased Albus about his distraction techniques with his aunt but was concerned when he heard of Albus and Harry's argument prior to the start of term. Albus zeigte auch einen eher trockenen Sinn für Humor und reagirte oft auf Kommentare mit Sarkasmus und Ironie. Albus is Neville Longbottom ‘s godson (Pm) and, when he was six years old, his best friend was Rose Granger-Weasley (CC1.10). Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley. Together, Albus and his father took time to visit Cedric's grave on a beautiful hill, where they began to repair their strained relationship. Jet-black Die Tatsache, dass Albus das einzige von Harrys Kindern war, das die Auge von, In dem Film ist Albus der erste Charakter der nächsten Generation, der spricht. The two kids struck up a friendship, sharing stories and sweets on the journey to Hogwarts. Albus Severus, you were named for two of the most problematic men I ever knew. Er erbte die Persönlichkeit und das Aussehen seines Vaters und erbte den Sinn für Humor seiner Mutter. Albus was in awe of the fact that he was seeing his grandparents and referred to them as "grandad and grandma". One of them was a Slytherin and he was the bravest man I ever knew. Während Delphini nicht mit durch die Zeit reiste, weil ihr Alter zu unerwünschter Aufmerksamkeit führen würde, benutzten Albus und Scorpius Malfoy den Zeitumkehrer und reisten in die Vergangenheit zur ersten Aufgabe des Trimagischen Turniers. Harry potter challenge- day one (favourite book) My favourite Harry Potter book is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, as it is one of the darkest books and when the golden trio start to grow up. Opening the door to one compartment, Albus and Rose found Scorpius Malfoy sitting alone and introduced themselves to him. Harry’s name in the title is the giveaway that Mr. Potter is in this play. Er ist das zweite Kind von Ginny und Harry Potter. Albus wurde als attraktiver und gutaussehender junger Mann beschrieben. When Rose arrived at King's Cross Station to head off to her and Albus' first year, Albus was "immensely relieved" to see her and Rose beamed at him. Albus und Scorpius, die wussten, dass der Zeitumkehrer sie nur fünf Minuten lang in der Vergangenheit hält, versuchten Delphini aufzuhalten und trafen Cedric Diggory im Labyrinth.Cedric befreite Albus und Scorpius und half ihnen den Zeitumkehrer zurückzubekommen, da er glaubte, dass dies ein Hindernis für das Turnier sei. Daher war es für Rose sehr wichtig, das richtige Abteil zu finden, in dem sie sitzen konnten, da auch sie hier ihre lebenslangen Freunde treffen könnten. After Delphi is apprehended, the pair (and their family's) return to their own time where their relationship looked set to become even stronger than before. Delphini behauptete seine Schwäche sei die Gleiche wie die seiner Vater - die Freundschaft - und nicht der Stolz und das Bedürfnis ihn zu beeindrucken. However, as they spoke, Rose confirmed that, despite Harry's words, the Ministry had indeed acquired a Time-Turner during a raid. Darauf erklärte ihm Harry: "Albus Severus Potter, du bist nach zwei Schulleitern von Hogwarts benannt. Knowing what he looked like as a baby he knew his son took no owning, he was Harry's double in every way, well, Harry's double in every way except one way. Arthur Bowen als Albus Potter in Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes (Film 2), Theo Ancient als Albus Potter in dder ursprünglichen West End-Produktion von Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind, Sean Rees-Wemyss als Albus Potter in der ursprünglichen Melbourne-Produktion, Nicholas Podany als Albus Potter im zweiten Jahr der Broadway-Version von Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind, Das Harry-Potter-Lexikon hat 3 Bilder, bezogen auf, *Achtung: Manche der oben angegebenen Links sind Affiliate-Links. This dedication is returned when Harry jumps in front of his son when a Killing Curse is aimed at Albus. [7] He and his older brother James were introduced to Bulgarian Seeker Viktor Krum by their father. Chapter 1. Albus riskierte sogar sein eigenes Leben, um seinen Vater vor Delphini zu retten und zeigte so deutlich, dass er seinen Vater sehr liebte. He also inherited the paternal line of curiosity, showing an interest in his father's fame and past. When he saw the two practising spells before planning to go back in time he over-enthusiastically tried to join in the fun and was clearly not enjoying their "double act". Scorpius thanked him for staying and Albus retorted jokingly that he'd only stayed for his sweets. Er freundete sich schnell mit Scorpus an, deren Beziehung mit der Zeit immer tiefer wurde. 10 Fragen - Erstellt von: Freddie - Entwickelt am: 29.06.2020 - 5.260 mal aufgerufen - User-Bewertung: 4,2 von 5 - 12 Stimmen - 8 Personen gefällt es Instead, he stared intently at the young wizard who'd just lit his wand with Lumos! Slytherin genießt keinen guten Ruf, ich weiß. Even so, Albus struggled "with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted. Letzteres war eine Überraschung für Viele. Harry-Potter-Lexikon ist eine Fandom-Literatur-Community. He then remarked that "it might traumatise the baby slightly" to which Albus replied, "Only slightly." Zerochan has 3 Albus Severus Potter anime images, fanart, and many more in its gallery. Albus is in a similar position to his father's godfather. 2006), Harry Potter ve Ginny Potter'ın (née Weasley) ikinci oğludur. Scorpius war auch besorgt, als er über den Streit zwischen Albus und Harry hörte. Ignotus Peverell[6] (paternal ancestor) †Linfred of Stinchcombe[6] (paternal ancestor) †James Potter (paternal grandfather) †Lily Potter (née Evans)(paternal grandmother) †Arthur Weasley (maternal grandfather)Molly Weasley (née Prewett) (maternal grandmother)Harry Potter (father)Ginevra Potter (née Weasley) (mother)James Potter II (brother)Lily Potter II (sister)Ron Weasley (maternal uncle)Hermione Granger (aunt by marriage)Rose Granger-Weasley (maternal first cousin)Hugo Granger-Weasley (maternal first cousin)Fred Weasley (maternal uncle) †George Weasley (maternal uncle)Angelina Weasley (née Johnson) (aunt by marriage)Fred Weasley II (maternal first cousin)Roxanne Weasley (maternal first cousin)Percy Weasley (maternal uncle)Audrey Weasley (aunt by marriage)Molly Weasley II (maternal first cousin)Lucy Weasley (maternal first cousin)William Weasley (maternal uncle)Fleur Weasley (née Delacour) (aunt by marriage)Victoire Weasley (maternal first cousin)Dominique Weasley (maternal first cousin)Louis Weasley (maternal first cousin)Charles Weasley (maternal uncle)Neville Longbottom (godfather)Fleamont family (paternal ancestors)House of Black Edward Remus "Teddy" Lupin(b.April 11 1998) was ahalf-blood, the only child of the lateRemusandNymphadora Lupin(néeTonks), and was, like his mother, aMetamorphmagus. Als Albus seinen Vater erwähnte und fragte, warum er nicht anders sei, nannte ihn Scorpius einen "schrecklichen Freund". Mit Delphis Hilfe benutzten die Drei Vielsafttrank, um sich in Ronald Weasley, Harry und Hermine Granger zu verwandeln und schlichen sich ins Zaubereiministerium. albus stimmte sofort zu und versprach für immer ein guter Freund zu sein. Whereas Scorpius, who pulled him back, called him the "worst spoiler in the world" because Lily needed to think that Harry was going to die. Albus had a close relationship with his father's godson Teddy Lupin. Es ist möglich, dass sie viel miteinander sprachen und sich gegenseitig einen neuen Einblick in ihr aktuelles Leben gaben. Harry sagte danach zu seinem Sohn, dass er ein besserer Vater werden wolle, worauf Albus antwortete, dass er ein besserer Sohn sein wolle. Ein Teil des Inhalts dieses Artikels ist abgeleitet von Informationen, aufgeführt in Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind. He quickly determined that the way to contact his father from the past was to use his baby blanket, which Harry had given him as a gift and formulated a plan that even Scorpius agreed was brilliant. Back at Hogwarts, looking and sounding marginally happier than they ever had previously at the school, they talk about Scorpius asking Rose out and Albus jokes that Scorpius is an "utter fantasist" after he talks about their "eventual marriage". Before boarding the Hogwarts Express, Albus confided to his father that he feared he might be Sorted into Slytherin. Albus und Scorpius kletterten durch das Fenster und begegneten aber auf dem Dach der Imbisswagen-Verkäuferin, die versuchte sie daran zu hindern, den fahrenden Zug zu verlassen. Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Draco deciphered the message and used a more advanced Time-Turner to travel back to 1981 and join their children. He was born two years after his older brother James Sirius and two years before his younger sister Lily Luna. Während Albus und Delphi das Gespräch belauschten, trafen sie sich zum ersten Mal. When Albus returned from his first trip through time, while unconscious he mumbled 'dad' in his sleep. And he did make a name for himself, and became popular for whohewas and not who his father was. Light While Albus endured teasing and only had Scorpius as a friend, Rose had a better time at Hogwarts, becoming very popular and a Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team in her second year. O yarı kan bir büyücü ve ağabeyi James Sirius Potter'dan en az bir yıl sonra ve küçük kız üzerine Lily Luna Potter'dan iki yıl önce doğan üç yeni ortası. After the traumatic ordeal, Albus and Scorpius returned to normal life. Nach der traumatischen Tortur kehrten Albus und Scorpius Malfoy ins normale Leben zurück. Nach der Trennung von seinem einzigen und besten Freund wurde Albus sehr deprimiert und wütend auf seinen Vater. Albus had a friendship and also developed a crush with Delphi until he found out she was Voldemort's daughter. Beide sind glücklicher denn je und umarmen sich. According to his mother, this was due to him being a great fan of Brazilian Chaser Gonçalo Flores. als Rose Granger-Weasley wieder versuchte wieder zu ihm Kontakt aufzunehmen, fragte er sie direkt, ob ihre Eltern sie darum gebeten hatten. He is named after two headteachers of Hogwarts: Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape. Danach umarmten sich Beide und setzten ihre Freundschaft fort. Harry Potter besucht Albus im Krankenflügel. Again on the platform, but this time for his third year, Albus burned the permit given by his father, stating that he had no wish to go to Hogsmeade. It’s an official new story that picks up where the Deathly Hallows epilogue left off. Bewahre die Ruhe und die Geheimnisse! „ Albus Severus Potter, jetzt hör mir verdammt noch mal zu! Harry and Dudley still kept apart, even though they were on slightly better terms than before. The hat was placed onto his head and he felt it talking into his head, "Ah, yes, a Potter. He could be cold to people he loved out of anger, especially his father and his cousin Rose. Albus "Al" Severus Potter (M.Ö. He is named after Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape, and would be eleven at the time of the epilogue. The two remained close during their first few years at Hogwarts but were clearly unpopular with their fellow students, Scorpius being ostracised for the rumours about him and Albus for his lack of resemblance to his family and difficulty with his magic. To warn everyone in the future what is happening, Albus and Scorpius used Harry's blanket to send a message through time. Quotes tagged as "albus-severus-potter" Showing 1-9 of 9 “If I had to choose a companion to be at the return of eternal darkness with, I'd choose you.” ― Jack Thorne, Harry Potter … He and his siblings liked the idea that he would make a great addition to the family if he married their cousin Victoire Weasley. Despite his suffering he remained a good friend to Scorpius, who Albus said was his only friend, and was kind and compassionate towards him. This was particularly apparent when he was with Scorpius. Im Zug versuchte Rose Granger-Weasley sich wieder mit Albus anzufreunden, da sie seit Beginn ihrer Zeit nur noch wenig miteinander zu tun hatten. With Delphi's help, Albus, Scorpius, and Delphi used Polyjuice Potion to disguise themselves as Ron, Harry, and Hermione respectively and sneaked into the Ministry of Magic. [7] Harry schien sich jedoch nicht sehr darüber Gedanken zu machen und gab Albus einfach ein paar Leckereien von Luna Lovegood. Albus schien häufig das Bedürfnis zu haben sich zu beweisen, um sich vom Schatten seines Vaters zu distanzieren. Albus hatte jedoch mehr Eigenschaften von Harry, als er wuste. Albus has a thin face and a short stature, however, in this adolescence he grows to the same rate as his father did and thereby hinting he will grow to the same height as his father. Albus, der entschlossen war, das Unrecht seines Vaters zu korrigieren und Cedric Diggory zu retten, überzeugte Scorpius Malfoy den Zug mit ihm zu verlassen und den Zeitumkehrer zu finden, anstatt nach Hogwarts zu fahren.