image caption People gave speeches at the Black Lives Matter gathering in Cardiff She urged organisers to speak to the police about ways to make the demonstrations safer. 707K likes. Jaynielia, an 18-year-old student, said that the Black Lives Matter protest was important because "black innocent people are being killed by white police and it needs to stop". Mapping every town or city having a George Floyd / Black Lives Matter protest, action, demonstration, or vigil since May 25, 2020. The Welshpool demonstration took place at the roundabout by Tesco in the town on Thursday night and was organised by Welshpool High School pupil Holly Lawson, 17. Black Lives Matter has increased racial tension, 55% say in UK poll. Black Lives Matter protesters with signs demanding 'abolish the police' and claiming 'riot is the language of the unheard' gather in London and promise more demos … Tens of thousands of people have gathered in Berlin and across Germany to support the Black Lives Matter movement. Follow. We are standing in solidarity with our brothers and sisters to strengthen the Black Lives Matter movement. Hamburg Anti-Rassismus-Demo: Polizei wehrt sich gegen Vorwürfe ... picture alliance/dpa; Demonstranten mit einem Transparent, das die Aufschrift "Black lives matter. The Australian rallies followed Black Lives Matter protests held around the world since the death of George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer in the US city of Minneapolis. 8 talking about this. Police lead an injured man away after clashes between Black Lives Matter anti-racism protesters and counter-demonstrators in Trafalgar Square, London, on 13 June 2020. Hundreds of Black Lives Matter protesters clashed with police officers today as thousands descended upon Whitehall, London, and a peaceful protest turned violent once again. Published: 27 Nov 2020 . This includes not only holding people and institutions responsible for past actions but setting up structures to ensure that those who cause harm in the future know they will be held to account for it. Museums can no longer be impartial after Black Lives Matter protests, says National Gallery chief The director said that 'silence was now perceived as being complicit' in the wake of mass protests In Zürich wurde dabei ein Schwarzer Stadtpolizist von einem Demonstranten angegriffen. DEMONSTRATIONS have taken place in Welshpool and Machynlleth to show support for the Black Lives Matter movement. The violence has erupted as support for the protests has come in from Nigeria’s politicians and from the Black Lives Matter movement in the U.S. Eyewitnesses said that a group of men armed with guns and machetes violently dispersed the protest early Thursday in the Ikeja neighborhood of Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city. Floyd's death sparked the global Black Lives Matter protests after a video went viral on May 25, 2020, showing police officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on … ... after a week of demonstrations in cities like Hamburg and Frankfurt. Credit... Glenn Hunt/AAP Image, via Reuters. The events are being organised by Black Lives Matter … In den vergangenen Monaten konnte sich „Black Lives Matter“ über mangelnde Zuneigung kaum beklagen. People with a sign reading Black lives matter take part in a protest called by activists against the killing of black people during police operations in favelas amid the new coronavirus pandemic, outside the Guanabara Palace -headquarters of Rio State government- in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on May 31, 2020. Die Bewegung "Black Lives Matter" ("Schwarze Leben zählen") wendet sich gegen Rassismus, Polizeigewalt und Diskriminierung von Afroamerikanern in … UK Black Lives Matter protests: Thousands descend on Parliament Square as tensions mount Save Patrick Sawer, Senior News Reporter 7 June 2020 • 8:24am. Die Bürgermeisterin von Washington hat entschieden, dass Washington einen «Black-Lives-Matter-Platz» bekommt – direkt vor dem Weissen Haus. This article explores left critiques of neoliberalism in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM). Der gewaltsame Tod von George Floyd hat weltweit Proteste gegen Rassismus und Polizeigewalt ausgelöst. Lesen Sie hier alles zur Bewegung Black Lives Matter. "Black Lives Matter"-Demos in ganz Europa Dauer: 01:11 14.06.2020 In vielen Städten Großbritanniens haben am Samstag Demonstrationen gegen Rassismus und Polizeigewalt stattgefunden. Official #BlackLivesMatter Organization founded by Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi, and Alicia Garza. The nearest tube station is Vauxhall. Affirming that Black Lives Matter entails demanding accountability for all people and institutions that deprecate and disregard Black life. Große Unternehmen spendeten Millionenbeträge. It came a year after the Black Lives Matter movement emerged in response to the acquittal of the man who killed teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida. Nun aber rumort es … Black Lives Matter has increased racial tension, 55% say in UK poll. Black Lives Matter (BLM, englisch für Schwarze Leben zählen) ist eine internationale Bewegung, die innerhalb der afroamerikanischen Gemeinschaft in den Vereinigten Staaten entstanden ist und sich gegen Gewalt gegen Schwarze bzw. Am Samstag fanden in diversen Schweizer Städten «Black Lives Matter»-Demonstrationen statt. Black Lives Matter. A Black Lives Matter rally in Brisbane, Australia, on Saturday. London protests: Activists ordered to stay home as more demos planned this weekend AHEAD of planned protests in London this weekend the Metropolitan Police have issued warnings to … White people for whom black lives truly matter must demonstrate the political will to make substantive changes, says Black Lives Matter co-founder … 9 August 2014: Michael Brown. I have just finished reading—re-reading, actually—A Vision for Black Lives, the national policy platform released recently by the Movement for Black Lives, the Black Lives Matter Network, BYP100 and over 50 other grassroots organizations. People of Color einsetzt. This document is a must-read for anyone who considers themselves a public servant, policy maker, civic or community leader. 20.27 Uhr: Klare Ansage an US-Präsident Donald Trump: Die Stadt New York hat in Großbuchstaben das Anti-Rassismus-Motto Black Lives Matter auf die Straße vor dem Trump-Tower in … The violence has erupted as support for the protests has come in from Nigeria’s politicians and from the Black Lives Matter movement in the U.S. … 1 BLM grounds its structural analysis of Black oppression on the concept of ‘racial capitalism’ which Cedric Robinson (2000 [1983]) proposed in 1983 to call attention to the ways racism permeates the organization and development of capitalism. The Embassy sits directly opposite the Thames in south central London SW11 7US.