With Francis Akos, Erwin Geschonneck, Roy Nesbit. 1948 wurde der Ehrenfriedhof angelegt. 193 Squadron, No. Cap Arcona. 2.619 anmeldelser. It is located in an extension of the historic »Kremper gate«, which also houses the Ostholstein Museum. Die nach dem Untergang der Schiffe bei Neustadt angespülten Toten wurden zunächst in Einzel- oder Massengräbern – meist in Strandnähe – bestattet. [19] From 2,800 prisoners on board the Thielbek only 50 were saved; whereas all 2,000 prisoners on the Deutschland were safely taken off onto the Athen, before the Deutschland capsized. Cap Arcona és el nom d'un transatlàntic alemany de gran luxe. Der Eingang in der Mitte befindet sich vor dem in der Mitte der Anlage befindlichen Gedenkstein. Am linken Torpfeiler befindet sich eine Bronzetafel, auf der die Geschehnisse des Unterganges der Cap Arcona und Thielbek geschildert werden. Ombord på den tidligere tyske luksusliner Cap Arcona blev de bombet af englænderne, netop som de troede, at de var reddet. Die Cap Arcona war ein Luxusdampfer und das Flaggschiff der Hamburg-Südamerika-Linie.Er wurde nach dem Kap Arkona auf der Insel Rügen benannt. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 28. Cap Arcona løb af stabelen den 14. maj 1927. Az SS Cap Arcona egy 27 500 tonna vízkiszorítású német luxus óceánjáró volt, amely a Hamburg–Dél-Amerika útvonalon közlekedett. Die jüdische Gemeinde Lübeck hält ein Totengebet. [1] Share. During the Second World War, it was enlisted as a naval vessel, though it also was used as a prop and setting for Goebbels’s movie of the sinking of the R.M.S. 15 Meter tief) etwa in West-Ost-Richtung angelegt und wird von einer aus behauenem Naturstein errichten, halbhohen Mauer umschlossen. [note 2] The RAF commanders ordering the strike believed that a flotilla of ships was being prepared in Lübeck Bay, to accommodate leading SS personnel fleeing to German-controlled Norway in accordance with Dönitz's orders. A history of the worst shipping catastrophes of all time, the sinking of German passenger liner Cap Arcona on May 3rd, 1945 in the Baltic. Bay of Lübeck, 3 kilometres (2 mi) from Neustadt in Holstein (left at the top): position of the sinking of Cap Arcona.[25]. Abrëll 1945 dem Gauleiter vun Hamburg iwwerlooss. Rooms. The Athen made its last journey to the Cap Arcona on the 30th April but this time to take prisoners off as the Cap Arcona was so over crowded that even the SS could no longer endure the starvation, stench and dead." It stoomskip fan 27.000 brutoton Cap Arcona waard foar de Hamburg-Südamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts Gesellschaf boud troch Blohm & Voss en waard 14 maaie 1927 te wetter litten. Cap Polonio was laid up in 1931 and scrapped in 1935,[5] leaving Cap Arcona as Hamburg Süd's sole prestige ship on its South American route. Wreck dismantled in 1949. In 1945 she evacuated almost 26,000 German soldiers and civilians from East Prussia before the advance of the Red Army. Since the steering motors were out of use in Thielbek and the turbines were out of use in Cap Arcona, Athen was used to transfer prisoners from Lübeck to the larger ships and between ships;[14] they were locked below decks and in the holds, and denied food and medical attention[citation needed]. Den 3. maj 1945 døde over 7.000 kz-fanger i verdens største skibskatastrofe. Die Schleppkähne mit den Häftlingen waren nachts an den Strand getrieben worden. In May 1945 she was heavily laden with prisoners from Nazi concentration camps when the Royal Air Force (the pilots not knowing of the nature of her passengers) bombed her, killing about 5,000 people; with more than 2,000 further casualties in the sinkings of the accompanying vessels of the prison fleet, Deutschland and Thielbek. Z Hamburku do Buenos Aires převezl cestující už za 15 dní. Der mittlere Stein trägt die Inschrift „7000“, „K-Z“, „3.5.1945“ (Anzahl der Opfer der Schiffsuntergänge; KZ & das Datum). [1] Zum Gedenken nach 70 Jahren kamen über 1.000 Besucher. Rasenflächen eingenommen. Das Tor selbst trägt die Inschrift „Ehrenfriedhof Cap Arcona“. [17], By early May however, any relocation plans had been scotched by the rapid British military advance to the Baltic; so the SS leadership, which had moved to Flensburg on 28 April,[13] discussed scuttling the ships with the prisoners still aboard. The S.S. Cap Arcona was a German cruise ship during the 20th century. Poel: Insel Poel, Cap Arcona-Gedenkstätte (Kirchdorf – Schwarzer Busch). 4600 KZ-Häftlinge ums Leben kamen. Diskussion:Cap Arcona. Grablage für 16 Opfer. [3], Siehe Friedhöfe mit Opfern der Cap Arcona-Katastrophe rund um die Lübecker Bucht, 54.08899310.827515Koordinaten: 54° 5′ 20,4″ N, 10° 49′ 39,1″ O. Förderkreis Cap-Arcona-Gedenken, Politische Memoriale e. V. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Hrsg. Toggle Calendar. 100 Meter breit und ca. On 30 January Wilhelm Gustloff, carrying a total of 10,582 passengers and crew, was torpedoed by the Soviet submarine S-13 and sank in 40 minutes. Calendar istoric. However, her turbines were completely worn out. On 3 May 1945, three days after Hitler's suicide and only one day before the unconditional surrender of the German troops in northwestern Germany at Lüneburg Heath to Field Marshal Montgomery, Cap Arcona, Thielbek, and the passenger liner Deutschland were attacked as part of general strikes on shipping in the Baltic Sea by Royal Air Force (RAF) Hawker Typhoons of 83 Group of the 2nd Tactical Air Force. They could only be partially repaired and her days of long-distance travel were over. Cap Arcona ; Tag: Cap Arcona (2 articole) Naufragiul pachebotului «Cap Arcona», o tragedie trecută sub tăcere. That’s a world class yacht.” – Torgny Jansson, founder. [9][10] By now these trips were made very dangerous by mines and Soviet Navy submarines. Denne artikel, kategori eller skabelon er en del af WikiProjekt 2. At SHAEF it is believed that important Nazis who have escaped from Berlin to Flensburg are onboard, and are fleeing to Norway or neutral countries". The aircraft were from No. Cap Arconan uppoaminen on eräs historian pahimmista laivaturmista. [15][18] Later, at a war crimes tribunal, Kaufmann claimed that the prisoners were intended to be sent to Sweden although, as none of the ships carried Red Cross hospital markings, nor were they seaworthy, this was scarcely credible. While heavily-laden with prisoners from Nazi concentration camps, she was sunk in 1945 by the Royal Air Force, with the loss of many lives. In 1942 Cap Arcona was used as a stand-in for RMS Titanic, to supply outside locations for the filming of the Nazi film version of the disaster in the harbour of Gotenhafen. No. Discover, relax, experience – arcona HOTELS & RESORTS are worth a trip at any time of year! Hun forlod den 19. november 1927 Hamborgs havn på sin jomfrurejse til Argentina med luksusrejsende og udvandrede, overvejende til Sydamerika.Hun blev sat i linjefart mellem Hamborg–Madeira–Rio de Janeiro og Buenos Aires. 2800 Häftlinge kamen auf dem Begleitschiff Thielbek ums Leben. In the afternoon of 3 May 1945, the British 5th reconnaissance regiment advanced northwards to Neustadt, witnessing the ships burning in the bay and rescuing some severely emaciated prisoners on the beach at Neustadt, but otherwise finding mostly the bodies of women and children massacred that morning.[24]. arcona Management GmbH August-Bebel-Straße 55 18055 Rostock . His later self-destructive interrogation at the hands of propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels all but sealed his fate. All three ships were sunk in the Baltic Sea by bombs, rockets and cannon fire. Fra november 1927 til august 1939 blev der på 91 gennemførte rejser transporteret mere end 200.000 passagerer. https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ehrenfriedhof_Cap_Arcona&oldid=204064820, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. 193 Squadron recalled, "We used our cannon fire at the chaps in the water... we shot them up with 20 mm cannons in the water. Do you have a question? He was found the next day hanged in his cell by his suspenders. [15] Georg-Henning Graf von Bassewitz-Behr, Hamburg's last Higher SS and Police Leader (HSSPF), testified at the same trial that the prisoners were in fact to be killed "in compliance with Himmler's orders". Then between 16 and 28 April 1945, Neuengamme was systematically emptied of all its remaining prisoners, together with other groups of concentration camp inmates and Soviet POWs; with the intention that they would be relocated to a secret new camp, either on the Baltic island of Fehmarn; or at Mysen in Norway where preparations were put in hand to house them under the control of concentration camp guards evacuated from Sachsenhausen. 198 Squadron. Auf den rechts und links befindlichen Steinen werden die Nationalitäten der Opfer in ihren Landessprachen aufgelistet, einschließlich des hebräischen Begriffes „Jehudim“ für „Juden“. Er beschreibt am 26. [15], Equipped with lifejackets from locked storage compartments, most of the SS guards managed to jump overboard from Cap Arcona. The Museum Cap Arcona was opened in 1990, on the 45th anniversary of the attacks on the prisoners' ships. Zwei Stelen zwischen Promenade und Ufer dokumentieren den Hergang und die damalige Position der Schiffe.[3]. She was considered one of the most beautiful ships of the time, was the largest German ship on the South American run, and carried upper-class travelers and steerage-class emigrants, mostly to South America. 197 Squadron RAF, and No. German trawlers sent to rescue Cap Arcona's crew members and guards managed to save 16 sailors, 400 SS men, and 20 SS women. "The Intelligence Officer with 83 Group RAF has admitted on two occasions; first to Lt H. F. Ansell of this Team (when it was confirmed by a, sfn error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFJacobsPool2004 (, harvnb error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFVaughan2004 (, sfn error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFVaughan2004 (, Hamburg Südamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft, maritime losses of life in the Second World War, unconditional surrender of the German troops, List of maritime disasters in World War II, "The strange sinking of the Nazi Titanic", "RAF pilots tricked into killing 10,000 camp survivors at end of war – Home News, UK", International Herald Tribune: Famed East German actor, jailed by Nazis for communist sympathies, dies at 101, "Overleden in Concentratiekampen,U tot Z", The Cap Arcona, the Thielbek and the Athen, Die Tragödie in der Neustädter Bucht (The tragedy in the Bay of Neustadt) (1940–1945). Skiednis. [13] In the interim, they were to be concealed from the advancing British and Canadian forces; and for this purpose the SS assembled a prison flotilla of decommissioned ships in the Bay of Lübeck, consisting of the liners Cap Arcona and Deutschland, the freighter Thielbek, and the motor launch Athen [de]. Juni 1956 die Geschehnisse der letzten Kriegstage in Neustadt und Umgebung. The arcona RESORTS astonish with their individual service and a unique atmosphere you usually only find in very special places. Efter deres død blev de igen ofre denne gang for en løgnagtig historieskrivning Verdenskrig, et forsøg på at koordinere oprettelsen af 2. verdenskrig-relaterede artikler på Wikipedia. Newsletter . She was driven by eight steam turbines, single-reduction geared to two propeller shafts. Agen was beached, but later was refloated and escorted into Hamburg, Germany.[6]. This was one of the largest single-incident maritime losses of life in the Second World War. When she gets a touch of heel and takes off. During March and April 1945, concentration camp prisoners from Scandinavian countries had been transported from all over the Reich to the Neuengamme concentration camp near Hamburg, in the White Bus programme co-ordinated through the Swedish Red Cross - with prisoners of other nationalities displaced to make room for them. 184 Squadron, No. Cap Arcona had modern navigation and communication equipment. Cap Arcona oli saksalainen valtameriristeilijä, joka liikennöi 1920- ja 1930-luvuilla Hampurista Etelä-Amerikkaan. The 27,561 TonCap Arcona, named after Cape Arkona on the island of Rügen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, was launched in 1927. Cap Arcona burning shortly after the attacks. [35] Parts of skeletons washed ashore over the next 30 years, with the last find in 1971. North American F-6A Mustang (tactical reconnaissance version of the North American P-51 Mustang P-51A) of the USAAF. [11], On 30 March 1945, Cap Arcona finished her third and last trip between Gdynia and Copenhagen, carrying 9,000 soldiers and refugees. Titanic in 1943. Unbeknown to the pilots however, was that the ships actually contained concentration camp survivors as well as Allied Prisoners of War. Blohm+Voss in Hamburg built Cap Arcona, launching and completing her in 1927. The Cap Arcona was a large German luxury ocean liner formerly of the Hamburg-South America line that was sunk with the loss of many lives when laden with prisoners from concentration camps.The 27,500 gross ton Cap Arcona was launched in 1927, it was considered one of the most beautiful of the time. On 30 April 1945 the two Swedish ships Magdalena and Lillie Matthiessen, previously employed as support vessels for the White Bus evacuations, made a final rescue trip to Lübeck and back. Shipwrecks and maritime incidents in 1932, Shipwrecks and maritime incidents in May 1945, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=SS_Cap_Arcona&oldid=990803697, World War II shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea, Articles with German-language sources (de), Articles with French-language sources (fr), Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2017, Articles with Dutch-language sources (nl), Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Cap Arcona entered service in 1927, commencing her maiden voyage on Hamburg Süd's route to Buenos Aires 29 October. On 20 February, Cap Arcona's captain, Johannes Gertz, shot himself in his cabin while berthed in Copenhagen rather than face another trip back to Gotenhafen. Der Ehrenfriedhof Cap Arcona in Neustadt im Kreis Ostholstein (Schleswig-Holstein) ist ein Ehrenfriedhof, auf dem 621 Opfer der Versenkung der Cap Arcona und der Thielbek am 3. On 6 October 1932 Cap Arcona collided with the French cargo ship Agen in the North Sea off the Elbe 4 Lightship. She was equipped for submarine signalling which allowed a ship to hear acoustic signals from aids to navigation. The number of dead grew ever larger. Das Schiff wurde am 3. Drehbahn 49, 20354 Hamborg, Tyskland. Cap Arcona's final use was as a prison ship. Cap Arcona, named after Cape Arkona on the island of Rügen, was a large German ocean liner and the flagship of the Hamburg Südamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft ("Hamburg-South America Line"). Laivan upotessa sai surmansa arviolta 4 500 henkeä. Vis priser . ): Die Grabstelle des Paul Schindler, Pianist und Chorleiter der Cap Arcona, in Süderende auf Föhr. Tato stránka obsahuje aktuální výpis údajů firmy Arcona Capital CEP III s.r.o. Der Ehrenfriedhof Cap Arcona in Neustadt im Kreis Ostholstein (Schleswig-Holstein) ist ein Ehrenfriedhof, auf dem 621 Opfer der Versenkung der Cap Arcona und der Thielbek am 3. Vor dem Gedenkstein im Boden befindet sich seit 1983 eine Gedenktafel des DGB. [2] The ship had at least 26 lifeboats, most of which were mounted in two tiers (see image). [19] Kurt Rickert, who had worked for Bassewitz-Behr, testified at the Hamburg War Crimes Trial that he believed the ships were to be sunk by U-boats or Luftwaffe aircraft. Mai 1945, versenken Briten die "Cap Arcona" und die "Thielbek" in der Lübecker Bucht. —Preceding unsigned comment added by 13:43, 2 October 2007 (UTC) 6 af 2.230 overnatningssteder med bedste værdi for pengene i Hamborg. Amongst the prisoners rescued were some transferred from the prison flotilla. Cap Arcona oli saksalainen valtameriristeilijä, joka liikennöi 1920- ja 1930-luvuilla Hampurista Etelä-Amerikkaan. Through Ultra Intelligence, the Western Allies had become aware that most of the SS leadership and former concentration camp commandants had gathered with Heinrich Himmler in Flensburg, hoping to contrive an escape to Norway. [3] She had three funnels, and her passenger comforts included a full-size tennis court abaft her third funnel. Grabstätte für 403 zwischen Travemünde und Boltenhagen angespülte Opfer der Katastrophe. 263 Squadron, No. A hajót, melyet sokáig kora egyik legszebbjének tartottak, 1927-ben bocsátották vízre.Főként gazdag utasokat és szegényebb emigránsokat szállított Dél-Amerikába. She made her maiden voyage on 29 October 1927, carrying passengers and cargo between Germany and the east coast of South America, and in her time was the largest and quickest ship on … You feel the balance and stiffness, that is unbeatable. [22][23] On 31 January 1945, the Kriegsmarine reactivated her for Operation Hannibal, where she was used to transport 25,795 German soldiers and civilians from East Prussia to safer areas in western Germany. The 1945 Sinkings of the Cap Arcona and the Thielbek. 54.0418310.86422Koordinaten: 54° 2′ 30,6″ N, 10° 51′ 51,2″ O. Toisen maailmansodan lopulla alus upposi 3. toukokuuta 1945 Lyypekinlahdella ilmahyökkäyksessä. Horrible thing, but we were told to do it and we did it. [20] Eva Neurath, who was present in Neustadt, and whose husband survived the disaster, said she was told by a police officer that the ships held convicts and were going to be blown up. Departure. Guests. She was 27,561 GRT, 205.90 m (675 ft 6 in) overall and a beam of 25.78 m (84 ft 7 in).[1]. On the evening of 2 May 1945 more prisoners, mainly women and children from the Stutthof and Mittelbau-Dora camps were loaded onto barges and brought out to the anchored vessels; although, as the Cap Arcona refused to accept any more prisoners, over eight hundred were returned to the beach at Neustadt in the morning of 3 May, where around five hundred were killed in their barges by machine-gunning, or beaten to death on the beach, their SS guards then seeking to make their escape unencumbered. 76 (1936) by Richard Kuöhl in Hamburg, From the Till report of June 1945: "[32], Severely damaged and set on fire, Cap Arcona eventually capsized. Dokázal pojmout 1315 cestujících. Allied Attacks Killed Thousands of Concentration Camp Inmates By Mark Weber All prisoners of German wartime concentration camps who perished while in German custody are routinely regarded as “victims of Nazism” — even if they lost their lives as direct or indirect result of Allied policy. The capsized hulk of Cap Arcona later drifted ashore, and the beached wreck was finally broken up in 1949. Besides the Hamburg-Amerika Line and the Norddeutscher Lloyd, who both operated on the North Atlantic, there was also the Hamburg-South America Line, in Germany popularly known as Hamburg-Süd. Jährlich am 3. Cap Arcona byla luxusní německá zaoceánská loď, která byla spuštěna na vodu v květnu roku 1927.Na konci druhé světové války byla potopena po útoku britského letectva dne 3. května 1945 v Lübecké zátoce. Im Jahr 2020 wurden ergänzend mehrere Informationstafeln im Umkreis des Ehrenfriedhofs aufgestellt, auf denen mit Text und Bildern der Ablauf der Ereignisse rund um den Häftlingstransport, den Bomber-Angriff auf die Schiffe und deren Untergang beschrieben wird. Mai 1945 kurz vor Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs durch britische Flugzeuge versenkt, wobei die meisten der an Bord befindlichen ca. She made her maiden voyage on 29 October 1927, carrying passengers and cargo between Germany and the east coast of South America, and in her time was the largest and quickest ship on the route.[2]. On May 3, 1945 , the German transport ships Cap Arcona, Thielbek, and Deutschland came under attack by Typhoon fighter-bombers of the RAF. For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for With Erwin Geschonneck, Vít Olmer, Jana Brezková, Václav Voska. [15][16], The order to transfer the prisoners to the prison ships had come from Gauleiter Karl Kaufmann in Hamburg. Book '; Hotel. Directed by Lothar Bellag. Spring til navigation Spring til søgning. Drawing of the burning ships. She also had wireless direction finding equipment,[3] and from 1934 she had an echo sounding device and a gyrocompass.[4]. Unknown artist. Mai wird dort von etwa 100 Menschen der Opfer gedacht. Sunk by air attack on 3 May 1945. The DNA for Arcona Yachts is really the concept of a hybrid cruiser-racer. Although Swedish and Swiss Red Cross officials had informed British intelligence on 2 May 1945 of the presence of large numbers of prisoners on ships at anchor in Lübeck Bay, this vital information was not passed on. D'Cap Arcona war en däitschte Luxusdampfer, benannt nom Kap Arkona op der Insel Rügen.Vun 1927 bis 1939 ass d'Schëff op der Südamerika Linn agesat ginn.. 1940 huet déi dàitsch Krichsmarine d'Schëff iwwerholl. Sie vermuten darauf deutsche Truppen - ein Irrtum: An Bord sind 7.500 KZ-Häftlinge. Photos of the burning ships, listed as Deutschland, Thielbek, and Cap Arcona, and of the emaciated survivors swimming in the very cold Baltic Sea, around 7 °C (44.6 °F), were taken on a reconnaissance mission over the Bay of Lübeck by F-6 Mustang (the photo-reconnaissance version of the P-51) of the USAAF's 161st Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron around 1700 hrs, shortly after the attack. Only 350 of the 5,000 former concentration camp inmates aboard Cap Arcona survived. Laivan upotessa sai surmansa arviolta 4 500 henkeä. [21], On 2 May 1945, the British Second Army discovered the empty camp at Neuengamme, and reached the towns of Lübeck and Wismar. https://www.ardvideo-shop.de/70-d47179-dvd-der-mann-von-der-cap-arcona.html Am 3. Marc Buggeln has challenged Kaufmann's subsequent claim that he had been acting on orders from SS Headquarters in Berlin, arguing that the decision in fact resulted from political and business pressures from leading industrialists in Hamburg, who were already at this stage plotting with Kaufmann to hand the city over to British forces undefended and unharmed, and who consequently wished to whitewash away (literally so in the case of the Neuengamme concentration camp)[13] all evidence for the prisoners' former presence within the city and its industries. For weeks after the attack, bodies of victims washed ashore, where they were collected and buried in mass graves at Neustadt in Holstein, Scharbeutz and Timmendorfer Strand. Cap Arcona, named after Cape Arkona on the island of Rügen, was a large German ocean liner and the flagship of the Hamburg Südamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft ("Hamburg-South America Line"). That's war. [13][26] The western allies had intercepted orders from the rump Dönitz government, also at Flensburg, that the SS leadership were to be facilitated in escaping Allied capture - or otherwise issued with false naval uniforms to conceal their identities[27] - as Dönitz sought, while surrendering, to maintain the fiction that his administration had been free from involvement in the camps, or in Hitler's policies of genocide.[28]. Launching of German ocean liner Cap Arcona, 14 May 1927. [29][30] "The ships are gathering in the area of Lübeck and Kiel. Loading 60lb RP-3 rockets onto a Typhoon. By the mid-1920s, there were three major shipping companies in Germany. Share «Titanicul nazist», cea mai mare tragedie maritimă din timpul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial. Die Flächen auf der linken und rechten Seite des Gedenksteins werden von Beetflächen (über deren Gräbern) bzw. [36], Monument to the Cap Arcona and Thielbek victims at Neustadt in Holstein, Monument in the Waldfriedhof at Timmendorfer Strand to 810 victims of Cap Arcona, Jewish cemetery in Neustadt in Holstein for 100 Jewish victims of Cap Arcona, Monument to 91 victims of Cap Arcona in the cemetery of St Nicolas' church in Grömitz, Cemetery and monument in Grevesmühlen for 407 victims of Cap Arcona, Monument to victims of Cap Arcona in Klütz, Monument in the cemetery of Niendorf in Timmendorfer Strand to 113 victims of Cap Arcona, Memorial plaque in the "honour cemetery" near Haffkrug, Monument to victims of Cap Arcona on Poel Island, Monument to victims of Cap Arcona at Groß Schwansee near Kalkhorst, Detail of the memorial against the war (1985/86) by Alfred Hrdlicka, a counter-monument to the Memorial of the Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. Der Weg im Bereich des Ehrenfriedhofs wurde in Erinnerung an die Ermordung von mehr als 200 Häftlingen des KZ Stutthof am Strand von Neustadt durch ein SS-Kommando und weitere Bewaffnete Stutthofweg benannt.