‘I was awarded two big grants: one from the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) and now the ERC Consolidator Grant. At the end of 2019, the ERC assessed the success rate of 172 European institutions that applied for ERC funding in calls in 2015-2018 and were awarded at least seven grants during that period. The overall success rate of the 2014 round was just 8.3 per cent (10.4 for the life sciences, 7.9 for the physical sciences and engineering and 6.5 in social sciences and humanities). After essentially flat-lining in 2014, 2015 and 2016 it is now set to increase steadily for the rest of H2020. This compares with 12.3 per cent in the 2013 round and reflects what Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, president of the ERC, said was “particularly fierce” competition in this round. ‘2019 is my lucky year,’ says the professor. erc synergy grant: key features & success factors ffg academy webinar, 26.09.2017 ERC has received all total 2453 proposal form which 301 has been selected that means the success rate is only 12.3 %. In 2018, the success rate of receiving this grant was 12,2%. The ERC Consolidator Grants are awarded to outstanding researchers of any nationality and age, with at least seven and up to twelve years of experience after … The selection of research projects to be funded by the European Research Council (ERC) is highly competitive; therefore, the funding of a project by the ERC is a key indicator for research excellence. Projections of success rates for ERC-2017 The table below sets out the annual fluctuation in ERC funding throughout FP7 and H2020. The selection of projects to be funded by the European Research Council (ERC) is highly competitive and acceptance rates have become a key indicator for research excellence. Latest data provided by the ERC for the years 2014-2018 rank the IMP third out of 172 institutes and first in Austria, with a remarkable success rate of 58 percent. Since then the situation has settled down, and now the Starting Grant success rate is actually broadly in line with that of the ESRC at 12%. L'appel ERC Consolidator Grant 2020, destiné aux chercheurs dont la carrière se situe entre 7 et 12 ans après la thèse, s'est ouvert le 24 octobre 2019 avec une date limite de soumission fixée au 4 … In Horizon 2020, the ERC is part of the 'Excellent Science' pillar, which funds responsive mode research. Physical Sciences and Engineering has received the highest grants i.e 134. All categories and grants considered, the FMI achieved a remarkable success rate of 75%, ranking first among all 172 institutes. February 25, 2020 FMI ranks first in success rates for ERC grant applications.

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