All rooms, whether single rooms or for several persons, have private shower and toilets. Wir haben das repräsentative alte Gebäude komplett renoviert und haben es auf den neuesten a&o Standard hin ausgestattet. We completely refurbished the representative old building and furnished it up-to-date as it is standard for a&o. We speak your language! Couples in particular like the location – they rated it 9.0 for a two-person trip. Sie finden unser Hotel und Hostel gegenüber dem schönen Leipziger Hauptbahnhof im historischen Postgebäude des Deutschen Reiches. You find our hotel and hostel vis-a-vis the pretty Leipzig central station in the historic post office building of the German Reich. Die Bewertung basiert auf einer Selbsteinschätzung der Unterkunft. a&o Leipzig Hauptbahnhof has been welcoming guests since Aug 26, 2008 Hotel chain/brand: A&O Hotels & Hostels We completely refurbished the representative old building and furnished it up-to-date as it is standard for a&o. Nutzen Sie diese Bewertung zur Wahl Ihrer Unterkunft! My review of the A&O Leipzig. Hostel a&o Leipzig Hauptbahnhof Diese Bewertung spiegelt wider, wie die Unterkunft im Hinblick auf die branchenüblichen Standards bezüglich des Preises, der Ausstattung und der angebotenen Services abschneidet. All rooms, whether single rooms or for several persons, have private shower and toilets. The A&O Leipzig is a combined Hostel and Hotel, which offers dorm beds as well as single and double rooms. You find our hotel and hostel vis-a-vis the pretty Leipzig central station in the historic post office building of the German Reich. You find our hotel and hostel vis-a-vis the pretty Leipzig central station in the historic post office building of the German Reich. All rooms, whether single rooms or for several persons, have private shower and toilets. This is our guests' favorite part of Leipzig, according to independent reviews. We completely refurbished the representative old building and furnished it up-to-date as it is standard for a&o.

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